Sylvain Bauvais
Occupations protohistoriques et médiévales en marge du village actuel de Ruvigny : Ruvigny, Aube "Proche l'Eglise". Document final de synthèse
L’occupation se caractérise tout d’abord par une batterie au moins une soixantaine de silos de la transition entre le premier et le second Âge du Fer avec un bruit de fond Néolithique (mobilier résiduel) et Bronze final (quelques fosses et silos). Certains de ces silos ont livré un important mobilier céramique qui, couplé à des rejets de forges et des objets attestant d’un travail de tissage, pourrait indiquer la présence d’un habitat associé à proximité immédiate. L’activité métallurgique est attestée dès le Hallstatt D3.Si aucune inhumation n’a été retrouvé dans les silos, quelques ossements humains épars ont été prélevé dans quatre d’entre eux. Il faut également noter la présence du dépô…
Producing and working with iron
Combining archaeological studies and archaeometric analyses, this synthesis presents the importance of the iron economy in the eastern part of the Paris Basin from the First Iron Age to the early Middle Ages. The first contributions of this research project concern technological changes in the production system of iron objects. The attention paid to the share of recycling in production somewhat modifies the previous discourse in attempts to quantify the types of forged objects (tools, weapons, ornaments, etc). Additionally, the link between the status of the excavated sites (agricultural holding, rural hamlet, fortified site, large settlements) and the type of forging activity that was carr…
La sidérurgie en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté avant le haut fourneau. Organisation et circulation des productions
La spécialisation des productions et les spécialistes : Session XXXIV-2 du XVIIIe congrès de l'UISPP
With the emergence of manufacturing based economies, specialised productions take on new dimensions during the Neolithic. Production networks progressively develop during the Neolithic and the Metal Ages and can be characterised according to their scale, how they are organised, the status of producers and the intensification of the trade of manufactured goods. This results on the one hand in mass production and on the other in the creation of highly technical objects on demand within a complex economic system of consumption and exchange. This is not seen as a linear progression but as a diversification of productions, products and know-how, the chronological and social contextualisation of …
La spécialisation des productions et les spécialistes: Une introduction
With the emergence of manufacturing based economies, specialised productions take on new dimensions during the Neolithic. Production networks progressively develop during the Neolithic and the Metal Ages and can be characterised according to their scale, how they are organised, the status of producers and the intensification of the trade of manufactured goods. This results on the one hand in mass production and on the other in the creation of highly technical objects on demand within a complex economic system of consumption and exchange. This is not seen as a linear progression but as a diversification of productions, products and know-how, the chronological and social contextualisation of …