Carla Colomer


Abstract:This study aims to explore working memory in preschool children with and without low mathematical performance. The sample consisted of 255 children aged 5-6 years, to whom were administered neuropsychological tests of working memory and TEDI-MATH to estimate the mathematical performance. The results highlight the capacity of verbal working memory to significantly differentiate groups of children with and without problems in 8 of the 9 analyzed mathematical domains. This factor together with visuospatial working memory differentiate the group of children at risk for mathematical learning disabilities.Keywords: working memory, preschool, math performance, mathematics learning disabil…

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Abstract.INFLUENCE OF PERSONAL AND FAMILY FACTORS ON THE NEGATIVE COURSE OF ADHDObjective. To study the effect of the cumulative adversity on the course of ADHD symptoms, associated problems and dysfunctionality of ADHD children. Method. 61 families of children with a clinical diagnosis of ADHD combined subtype were evaluated on two different times (Time I: mean age = 8.7; Time II: mean age = 11). We developed a personal risk index (high levels of ADHD symptoms, high number of associated problems, presence of oppositionism, stressful child characteristics and family history of ADHD), a family risk index (presence of mothers’ psychopathology, high parental stress and dysfunctional discipline…

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ADHD Symptoms and peer problems: Mediation of executive function and theory of mind

Background: The social maladjustment suffered by many children with attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is maintained over time, increasing the risk of subsequent adverse outcomes. The objectives of the study were to explore the mechanisms that operate between ADHD symptoms and social problems with peers, considering the mediation of FE and ToM. Method: 35 children with ADHD and 37 with typical development matched in age and IQ were compared. Parents assessed ToM skills and relationships with peers, and teachers provided EF ratings. Results: The analyses showed statistically signifi cant indirect mediation effects of EF in the relationship between ADHD symptoms and problems in …

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Influence of the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and comorbid disorders on functioning in adulthood

Antecedentes: el TDAH es un trastorno crónico que afecta la adaptación sociopersonal. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron comprobar el funcionamiento adaptativo de adultos con TDAH en comparación a adultos sin el trastorno y analizar la influencia de la inatención e hiperactividad/impulsividad y de los trastornos comórbidos en este funcionamiento. Método: la muestra incluyó 77 adultos entre 17 y 24 años, 40 con un diagnóstico de TDAH subtipo combinado y 37 controles que cumplimentaron el Weiss Functional Impairment Scale, el Weiss Symptom Record y el Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scale. Resultados: se encontraron diferencias significativas entre adultos con y sin TDAH en el funcionamiento fam…

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Relación entre características de resiliencia, estrés parental y satisfacción con la vida en familias con hijos con TDAH

Abstract.This paper addresses two aims: a) to analyze differences in the stress of parents of children and adolescents with ADHD with high and low scores on success atributes related to resilience; b) to study the relationship between these success attributes and the level of success of life satisfaction of children in different domains. For this, 46 families completed the questionnaires of Assessment Attributes Success, the domain’s Father Parenting Stress Index and Life Satisfaction Scales. The statistical analysis demonstrated significant differences in the parenting stress of children with ADHD and low and high scores on the attributes of self-awareness, proactivity, perseverance and go…

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Análisis de habilidades pragmáticas de niños con TEA y niños con TEA y TDAH

Introducción. El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) presenta dificultades en la pragmática del lenguaje que repercuten negativamente en el ámbito social y adaptativo. Una de las cuestiones menos estudiadas es el papel que desempeñan los síntomas comórbidos del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) en las habilidades pragmáticas y discursivas de niños con TEA. El propósito de este estudio fue: (1) Analizar las similitudes y diferencias de las habilidades pragmáticas y de discurso narrativo mediante la comparación de niños con TEA, TEA+TDAH y desarrollo típico (DT). (2) Analizar la capacidad discriminante de las habilidades pragmáticas y de discurso narrativo en niños …

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Data from: Analysis of personal and family factors in the persistence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: results of a prospective follow-up study in childhood

Objectives: To study the course of ADHD during childhood and analyze possible personal and family predictor variables of the results. Method: Sixty-one children with ADHD who were between 6 and 12 years old at the baseline assessment were evaluated 30 months later (mean age at baseline: 8.70 ± 1.97; mean age at follow-up: 10.98 ± 2.19). Status of ADHD in follow-up was identified as persistent (met DSM-IV-TR criteria according to parents’ and teachers’ ratings), contextually persistent (met ADHD criteria according to one informant, and there was functional impairment) and remitted ADHD (with subthreshold clinical symptomatology). Associated psychological disorders of the three groups were an…

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