R. Altenkirch
Testing refined shell-model interactions in thesdshell: Coulomb excitation ofNa26
Background: Shell-model calculations crucially depend on the residual interaction used to approximate the nucleon-nucleon interaction. Recent improvements to the empirical universal $sd$ interaction (USD) describing nuclei within the $sd$ shell yielded two new interactions---USDA and USDB---causing changes in the theoretical description of these nuclei.Purpose: Transition matrix elements between excited states provide an excellent probe to examine the underlying shell structure. These observables provide a stringent test for the newly derived interactions. The nucleus $^{26}\mathrm{Na}$ with 7 valence neutrons and 3 valence protons outside the doubly-magic ${}^{16}\mathrm{O}$ core is used a…
Testing refined shell-model interactions in the sd shell: Coulomb excitation of 26Na
Background: Shell-model calculations crucially depend on the residual interaction used to approximate the nucleon-nucleon interaction. Recent improvements to the empirical universal sd interaction (USD) describing nuclei within the sd shell yielded two new interactions—USDA and USDB—causing changes in the theoretical description of these nuclei. Purpose: Transitionmatrix elements between excited states provide an excellent probe to examine the underlying shell structure. These observables provide a stringent test for the newly derived interactions. The nucleus 26Na with 7 valence neutrons and 3 valence protons outside the doubly-magic 16O core is used as a test case. Method: A radioactive b…
Coulomb excitation of Na-29,Na-30: Mapping the borders of the island of inversion
Seidlitz, M., et all ; 10 pags. ; 9 figs. ; 1 tab. ; PACS number(s): 21.60.Cs, 23.20.Js, 25.70.De, 29.38.Gj