Moonhee Kim
Measurement of ϕ -meson production at forward rapidity in p+p collisions at s=510 GeV and its energy dependence from s=200 GeV to 7 TeV
The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has measured the differential cross section of φ(1020)-meson production at forward rapidity in p+p collisions at s=510 GeV via the dimuon decay channel. The partial cross section in the rapidity and pT ranges 1.2
Measurements of mass-dependent azimuthal anisotropy in central p + Au, d + Au, and He3 + Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV
We present measurements of the transverse- momentum dependence of elliptic flow v2 for identified pions and (anti)protons at midrapidity (|η|<0.35), in 0%–5% central p+Au and He3+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV. When taken together with previously published measurements in d+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV, the results cover a broad range of small-collision-system multiplicities and intrinsic initial geometries. We observe a clear mass-dependent splitting of v2(pT) in d+Au and He3+Au collisions, just as in large nucleus-nucleus (A+A) collisions, and a smaller splitting in p+Au collisions. Both hydrodynamic and transport model calculations successfully describe the data at low pT (<1.5GeV/c), but …