Aurélie Gaillard

767 Healthy enterprise standard(hes) evaluation: analysing effects and cost-benefit results with a qualitative evaluation of implementation process

Introduction The Healthy Enterprise Standard (HES) is related to a certification program in Quebec (Canada) and targets four areas: Lifestyle, Work-life balance, Workplace environment and Management practices. The aim of this study was to open the black box of intervention and analyse the implementation process in order to interpret effects of HES on health and workplace risk factors, and cost-benefit results from the employer’s perspective. Methods We used a before-after design for a two-case analysis with a mixed-method approach. In two organisations from different sectors, quantitative data were collected with a questionnaire among all active workers before the standard’s implementation …

research product

Additional file 1: of Economic evaluations of ergonomic interventions preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review of organizational-level interventions

Table S1: Economic results and quality assessment scores of the nine included studies: design, population, sample size, type of evaluation, economic perspective, indicators for outcomes and intervention costs, statistical analysis and results. Table S2: Intervention components and implementation data: description of the intervention and treatment of the control group, assessment of workers’ needs (diagnosis) before implementation and adequacy of intervention to workers’ needs, proportion of employees reached by the intervention, dose delivered and dose received, fidelity to intervention protocol, contextual factors and co-interventions or other confounders that may have had an impact on out…

research product

Economic evaluations of ergonomic interventions preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review of organizational-level interventions

Background Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) represent a major public health problem and economic burden to employers, workers and health insurance systems. This systematic review had two objectives: (1) to analyze the cost-benefit results of organizational-level ergonomic workplace-based interventions aimed at preventing WMSD, (2) to explore factors related to the implementation process of these interventions (obstacles and facilitating factors) in order to identify whether economic results may be due to a successful or unsuccessful implementation. Methods Systematic review. Studies were searched in eight electronic databases and in reference lists of included studies. Companio…

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Existe-t-il un lien entre Investissements Directs Etrangers et Education dans les pays en développement?

National audience

research product

Additional file 1: of Economic evaluations of ergonomic interventions preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review of organizational-level interventions

Table S1: Economic results and quality assessment scores of the nine included studies: design, population, sample size, type of evaluation, economic perspective, indicators for outcomes and intervention costs, statistical analysis and results. Table S2: Intervention components and implementation data: description of the intervention and treatment of the control group, assessment of workers’ needs (diagnosis) before implementation and adequacy of intervention to workers’ needs, proportion of employees reached by the intervention, dose delivered and dose received, fidelity to intervention protocol, contextual factors and co-interventions or other confounders that may have had an impact on out…

research product

Les effets de la crise économique sur l’exposition aux risques psychosociaux et la santé mentale des travailleurs

Rapport pour la Dares;

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Recension de l'ouvrage Approche interdisciplinaire des risques psychosociaux au travail , Loic Lerouge (dir), Edition Octares, 2014

série Socio économie du travail, Numéro AB/37 (À paraître)

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