P. Rizzo

Genetic and morphometric variations of Mediterranean hake,Merluccius merluccius,in the Strait of Sicily (central Mediterranean): Implications for stock assessment of shared resources

Allozyme, morphometric and growth analyses were applied to samples collected in the Strait of Sicily (central Mediterranean Sea) to test the hypothesis of the existence of a unique hake stock (Merluccius merluccius) in the study area. The level of genetic variation was detected from five polymorphic loci (ADH*, PGI-1; PGI-2*, PGM', SOD-1*). The average observed heterozygosity amounted to 0.421, while the average expected was 0.353. Weir & Cockerham statistics showed no heterogeneity, except for the single PGP locus (9 = 0.011; P 0.05). Morphometric analyses revealed some differentiation. Females showed different relationships in six out of eight morphometric indices with total length, while…

research product

A noninvasive approach for the assessment of dental implants stability

We propose the Electromechanical Impedance (EMI) technique to monitor the stability of dental implants. The technique consists of bonding one wafer-type piezoelectric transducers to the implant system. When subjected to an electric field, the transducer induces structural excitations which, in turn, affect the transducer’s electrical admittance. The hypothesis is that the health of the bone surrounding the implant affects the sensor’s admittance. In this paper we present the results of an experiment where a sensor is bonded to an abutment screwed to implants secured into bovine bone samples. The results show that the EMI technique can be used to monitor the stability of dental implants alth…

research product

Nanism (dwarfism) in fish: a comparison between red mullet Mullus barbatus from the southeastern and the central Mediterranean

The gradient of environmental conditions from west to east in the Mediterranean results in very low primary productivity in the eastern area of this sea. This impoverishment is expressed also in higher trophic levels and has been accounted for by several faunistic phenomena. One of these is 'Levantine nanism' (dwarfism); this is characterized by smaller body size of specimens in the Levantine basin compared with conspecifics in the western Mediterranean. Nanism has been hypothesized for various taxonomic groups in the Mediterranean, but no quantitative study has yet been carried out to confirm it. In the present study male and female red mullet Mullus barbatus from trawl surveys carried out…

research product

Changes in spawning-stock structure and recruitment pattern of red mullet, Mullus barbatus, after a trawl ban in the Gulf of Castellammare (central Mediterranean Sea)

Abstract Fiorentino, F., Badalamenti, F., D’Anna, G., Garofalo, G., Gianguzza, P., Gristina, M., Pipitone, C., Rizzo, P., and Fortibuoni, T. 2008. Changes in spawning-stock structure and recruitment pattern of red mullet, Mullus barbatus, after a trawl ban in the Gulf of Castellammare (central Mediterranean Sea). – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 65: 1175–1183. The increase in biomass of red mullet, Mullus barbatus, in the Gulf of Castellammare (northwestern Sicily, central Mediterranean) after a 14-year trawl ban, prompted us to compare the spawning-stock structure and the recruitment pattern before and after the closure. Datasets obtained from three experimental trawl surveys were availab…

research product

Genetic and morphometric variation of Mediterranean hake, Merluccius merluccius, in the Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean)

Allozyme, morphometric and growth analyses were applied to samples collected in the Strait of Sicily (central Mediterranean Sea) to test the hypothesis of the existence of a unique hake stock (Merluccius merluccius) in the study area. The level of genetic variation was detected from five polymorphic loci (ADH*, PGI-1*, PGI-2*, PGM*, SOD-1*). The average observed heterozygosity amounted to 0.421, while the average expected was 0.353. Weir & Cockerham statistics showed no heterogeneity, except for the single PGI? locus (theta = 0.011; P 0.05). Morphometric analyses revealed some differentiation. Females showed different relationships in six out of eight morphometric indices with total length,…

research product

Electromechanical impedance method for the health monitoring of bonded joints: Numerical modelling and experimental validation

The electromechanical impedance (EMI) method is one of the many nondestructive evaluation approaches proposed for the health monitoring of aerospace, civil, and mechanical structures. The method consists of attaching or embedding one or more wafer-type piezoelectric transducers (PZTs) to the system of interest, the host structure, and measuring certain electrical characteristics of the transducers. As these characteristics are also related to the impedance of the host structure, they can be used to infer the mechanical properties of the monitored structure. In the study presented in this paper, we utilize the EMI to monitor the quality of adhesively bonded joints. A finite element formulati…

research product

Predictive distribution models of European hake in the south-central Mediterranean Sea

The effective management and conservation of fishery resources requires knowledge of their spatial distribution and notably of their critical life history stages. Predictive modelling of the European hake (Merluccius merluccius L., 1758) distribution was developed in the south-central Mediterranean Sea by means of historical fisheries-independent databases available in the region. The study area included the international waters of the south-central Mediterranean Sea and the territorial waters of Italy, Malta, Tunisia and Libya. Distribution maps of predicted population abundance index, and probabilistic occurrence of recruits and large adults were obtained by means of generalized additive …

research product

Highly nonlinear solitary waves for the NDT of slender beams

Slender beams subjected to compressive load are common in civil engineering. The rapid in-situ measurement of this stress may help preventing structural anomalies. In this article we describe the coupling mechanism between Highly Nonlinear Solitary Waves (HNSWs) propagating along a granular system in contact with a beam subjected to thermal stress. We evaluate the use of these waves to measure stress in thermally loaded structures and to estimate the neutral temperature, i.e. the temperature at which the stress is null. We investigate numerically and experimentally one and two L-shaped chains of spherical particles in contact with a prismatic beam subjected to heat. We find that certain fea…

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SHM of chemically bonded anchors by means of acoustic emission

This paper presents a study on the use of acoustic emission (AE) to assess the structural soundness of concrete reinforced with chemically bonded anchors. The results of an experimental work based on six pullout tests monitored using AE are reported. In every test one rebar was embedded in hardened concrete by means of polyester resin. The AE was adopted to monitor the onset and progression of structural damage. The parametric analysis and the moment tensor analysis of AE data were used to discriminate among different sources of damage.

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Preliminary study on ionic composition in endolymphatic sac of Hoplostethus mediterraneus

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