Pekka Kanervio
Crisis and renewal in one Finnish private school
Suomalaisia yksityiskouluja ei ole juuri tutkittu. Pekka Kanervion tutkimus tuo esille yksityiskoulujen maailmaa esittelemällä erään suomalaisen yksityisen koulun selviytymistä ongelmista, jotka alkoivat, kun peruskoululainsäädäntö ei huomioinut yksityiskouluja ja niiden rahoitusta. Koulu oli ajautunut 1980-luvun puoliväliin mennessä konkurssin partaalle. Koulua ei kuitenkaan lakkautettu ja tänä päivänä se on elinvoimainen. Kanervio tutki, mitkä ovat muutoksen tekemisen avaimet. Mikä on hallinnon ja johtamisen merkitys muutoksessa? Miten ja miksi koulun kulttuuri muuttui? The purpose of this study is to tell the story of a renewal in one Finnish private school and to try to find out and und…
Control and Trust in Local School Governance
External school inspection and state supervision represent key instruments in many European countries for improving the quality of education. Although some countries, such as England, France, and the Netherlands, have a long tradition of school inspectorates, other countries such as Sweden only recently reintroduced a school inspection system (Johansson O, Holmgren M, Nihlfors E, Moos L, Skedsmo G, Paulsen JM, Risku M, Local Decisions under Central Watch – a new Nordic quality assurance system. In: Moos L (ed) Transnational influences on values and practices in Nordic educational leadership – is there a Nordic model? Springer, Dordrecht, 2013). In Denmark, the relationship between the state…
The School Boards Between Power and Influence
The decentralized Scandinavian school structure with the municipal school committee as a central factor between the municipal council and other school interests gives the school board a central role in the implementation of the centrally decided school legislation from the parliament. Therefore, the central questions in modern Scandinavian schooling are: what are the ways of influence and what power mechanisms are in play throughout the schooling system.
Educational Governance: Politics, Administration and Professionalism
The current restructuring of Nordic educational governance systems is creating new relationships between the state, local authorities and schools and, therefore, between politicians, managers and educational professionals. With inspiration from transnational agencies – primarily the OECD – new chains of governance are being created. Some elements of governance are being de-centralised, whilst other elements are being re-centralised. The couplings of economies, human resource management and operations are being loosened while at the same time the links between an educational content, aims and accountabilities are being tightened. This tendency has also led/made many municipalities to restruc…
Role and influence of school boards on improving educational quality
Ensuring educational quality is high on the policy agenda in many countries, especially efforts regarding students’ learning outcomes.
Finnish Superintendents Are Striving with a Changing Operational Environment
When one considers Finland’s education system through the 10-year curriculum reform cycle, slogans of trust and mild evaluation or results from international surveys on learning outcomes, one may think that Finnish superintendents’ operational environment is placid and serene. The truth, however, is very different. For historical reasons, Finnish society is now undergoing many of the changes that, for example, the other Nordic countries already encountered decades ago. Of course, the same contemporary international trends which affect the other Nordic countries influence Finland as well, but because they do so in a nation that is in many ways in a different developmental phase, they often m…
School Boards in Finland
In today’s global societal development, Finland in many ways seems to be an outlier relying on policies, the goals, contents and enactment of which differ from those of many other countries. Furthermore, the policies Finland relies on appear to provide outlying results concerning both the education system and the society (Risku M, Ital J Sociol Educ, forthcoming; Risku M, Kanervio P, The Finnish superintendent. In: Nir A (ed) The educational superintendent: between trust and regulation: an international perspective. Lambert Academic Publishing, New York, 2014). The many-sided outlying character of Finland makes it an interesting case of research.