Tilde De Caro
Recovering bronze metallurgy from archaeological artefacts for the production of reference materials in conservation science
The production of reference Cu-based alloys is the first step of an original experimental protocol to be used in the field of conservation and restoration of metal artefacts. The production of these synthetic alloys has a double value. They can be used both as suitable substitutes of unique archaeological pieces for testing new materials and methods for conservation, and as guidelines for contemporary metal production. We report on a research activity focused on the recovery of the ancient production techniques from the investigation of archaeological copper-based artefacts. The chemical, physical and metallurgical characterization of several Cu-based artefacts, found in different Italian a…
Spectroscopic and structural characterization of pure and FeCl3-containing tri-n-butyl phosphate
The spectroscopic properties and liquid structure of pure tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) and FeCl3/TBP solutions have been investigated by Uv–Vis and Raman spectroscopies, X-ray diffraction and conductometry. Uv–Vis and Raman spectra, supported by conductometric measurements, consistently indicate that the solubilized salt is present mostly as TBP n [FeCl3 − n ] n+ and FeCl4 − complex ions due to specific interaction with the TBP phosphate group. Thanks to this interaction, a high amount of salt (up to 13 % w/w) can be dissolved despite the relatively low dielectric constant of TBP. The X-ray diffractogram of pure TBP has been interpreted in terms of three main contributions which can be attri…
Iron and lithium-iron alkyl phosphates as nanostructured material for rechargeable batteries
Abstract Inorganic/organic hybrid materials composed by iron atoms bonded to an alkyl phosphate can be easily synthesized by mixing at 110 °C iron chlorides with tri-alkyl phosphates. Since structural information on these products are lacking and taking into account that lithium/iron organic hybrid materials are important in lithium ion battery technology we report here the physico-chemical characterization of different hybrid lithium/iron butylphosphates. These materials are characterized by the presence of elongated hexagonal crystals stable up to 315 °C. The insertion of lithium does not affect the local structure. Thanks to such structures the material can be electrochemically-cycled an…
Il Progetto ATENA: Applicazione di metodologie innovative per la conservazione di manufatti metallici e ceramici da scavo archeologico e per il recupero delle relative tecniche di produzione
Qui di seguito viene illustrato il progetto scientifico ATENA, svolto presso l'Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati (ISMN) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) e co-finanziato dal MIUR con Decreto Direttoriale 9-10-2002, n. 1105/2002. Il progetto si propone di applicare avanzate tecniche diagnostiche strumentali al fine di acquisire la dettagliata conoscenza microchimica e microstrutturale di manufatti metallici e ceramici antichi, di definirne il meccanismo di alterazione e/o degrado e di progettare, sintetizzare e validare opportuni prodotti e formulazioni per il restauro conservativo di tali manufatti. Le conoscenze acquisite sono utilizzabili anche per il recuper…