Ch. Schlegel
In-beam spectroscopy of $^{253,254}$No
In-beam conversion electron spectroscopy experiments have been performed on the transfermium nuclei 253,254No using the conversion electron spectrometer SACRED in nearly collinear geometry in conjunction with the gas-filled separator RITU at the University of Jyvaskyla. The experimental setup is discussed and the spectra are compared to Monte Carlo simulations. The implications for the ground-state configuration of 253No are discussed.
Alpha decay of the new isotopes 188,189Po
New neutron-deficient isotopes 188,189Po have been produced in the complete fusion reaction of 52Cr ions with a 142Nd target at the velocity filter SHIP. The evaporation residues were separated in-flight and subsequently identified on the basis of α-γ and α-conversion electron coincidence measurements and of α-α position and time correlations. In 189Po a ground state to ground state α decay with Eα1= 7540(20) keV, T1/2= 5(1) ms and two fine structure α-decays at Eα2= 7264(15) keV and Eα3= 7316(15) keV have been observed. In 188Po (T1/2= 400+200 −150μs) a ground state to ground state α decay at Eα= 7915(25) keV and a fine structure α decay at Eα= 7350(40) keV have been found. Improved data o…
Coulomb excitation of $^{78}$Kr
Expérience à JYFL cyclotron (Jyväskylä, Finlande); The Kr isotopes are considered to be among the best cases for shape coexistence studies in the mass A$\sim$70 region. Our campaign to investigate in detail the development of the shape coexistence in the neutron deficient Kr isotopes was started with the stable nucleus $^{78}$Kr. To obtain the information about the intrinsic shape, Coulomb excitation experiments were performed. A total of 26 matrix elements were determined for $^{78)$Kr. Simple geometrical and algebraic models do not reproduce all details of the electromagnetic structure. A good interpretation of the complex structure of the nucleus with competing oblate and prolate shapes …
Spectroscopy of transfermium nuclei: No-252(102)
An in-beam study of excited states in the transfermium nucleus 252 No has been performed using the recoil separator RITU together with the JUROSPHERE II array at the University of Jyväskylä. This is the second transfermium nucleus studied in an in-beam experiment. Levels up to spin 20 were populated and compared to levels in 254 No . An upbend is seen at a frequency of 200 keV/ħ corresponding to spin 16. We also use an improved systematics to connect the energy of the lowest 2 + state with its half-life and find that the deformation of both 2 5 2 , 2 5 4 No is slightly larger than previously assumed. peerReviewed
Recoil-isomer tagging techniques at RITU
Techniques have been developed to study isomeric states in nuclei with the use of RITU (gas filled separator) at the University of Jyvaskyla. The first was the recoil-isomer tagging technique initially, utilised by D.M. Cullen to study the K π = 8− isomeric state in 138Gd [1]. The juro-sphere array was employed in conjunction with ritu and a focal plane array which consisted of several Compton-suppressed Germanium detectors, placed in close geometry around a multi wire proportional counter (mwpc) and a silicon strip detector used for the implantation of recoiling nuclei. This technique correlates prompt and delayed γ-ray transitions across isomeric states and identifies the lifetime of the …
In-beam study of 254No
Excited states of the Z = 102 nuclide 254No have been studied in the reaction 208Pb(48Ca,2n) by means of in-beam γ -ray spectroscopy in combination with recoil gating and recoil decay tagging. A Ge detector array, consisting of four clover detectors, and a gas-filled separator were used. Six γ-ray lines were observed and associated with E2 transitions in the ground state band of 254No, the highest-lying of these being the 16+→ 14+ transition. Based on global systematics and the extrapolated 2+ 1 excitation energy, the value β2= 0.27 ± 0.03 was extracted for the quadrupole deformation. An improved value for the half-life of 254No, T1/2= (48 ± 3) s, was determined.
A triplet of differently shaped spin-zero states in the atomic nucleus 186Pb
Understanding the fundamental excitations of many-fermion systems is of significant current interest. In atomic nuclei with even numbers of neutrons and protons, the low-lying excitation spectrum is generally formed by nucleon pair breaking and nuclear vibrations or rotations. However, for certain numbers of protons and neutrons, a subtle rearrangement of only a few nucleons among the orbitals at the Fermi surface can result in a different elementary mode: a macroscopic shape change. The first experimental evidence for this phenomenon came from the observation of shape coexistence in 16O (ref. 4). Other unexpected examples came with the discovery of fission isomers and super-deformed nuclei…