Maria Gabriella Giustra

Analisi di processo e dinamica della comunità batterica nel trattamento di sedimenti marini con reattori bioslurry

Nella nota sono riportati i risultati di una sperimentazione condotta mediante la messa in esercizio di un reattore bioslurry per il trattamento di sedimenti marini contaminati da idrocarburi. Sono state valutate le performance di processo in termini di rimozione di TPH (86% con velocità di rimozione massima di 36 mgTPH kg-1 d-1) congiuntamente ad altre tipologie di indagini volte ad ottenere maggiori informazioni sulla natura dei processi che si sono sviluppati nel reattore. Nello specifico, è stato utilizzato un approccio di tipo microbiologico mediante l’adozione di una tecnica di sequenziamento di nuova generazione (NGS - Next Generation Sequencing). Dall’analisi dei dati biologici è st…

research product

Preliminary insights about the treatment of contaminated marine sediments by means of bioslurry reactor: Process evaluation and microbiological characterization

Abstract Contaminated marine sediments represent a critical threat towards human health and ecosystems, since they constitute a potential reservoir of toxic compounds release. In the present study, a bioslurry reactor was studied for the treatment of real marine sediments contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons. The experimental campaign was divided in two periods: in the first period, microcosm trials were carried out to achieve useful indicators for biological hydrocarbon removal from sediments. The microcosm trials highlighted that the inoculum of halotolerant allochthonous bacteria provided the highest performance followed by autochthonous biomass. Based on the achieved results, in the s…

research product

Performance of membrane bioreactor (MBR) systems for the treatment of shipboard slops: Assessment of hydrocarbon biodegradation and biomass activity under salinity variation

In order to prevent hydrocarbon discharge at sea from ships, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) enacted the MARPOL 73/78 convention in which any oil and oil residue discharged in wastewater streams must contain less than 5. ppm hydrocarbons. Effective treatment of this petroleum-contaminated water is essential prior to its release into the environment, in order to prevent pollution problem for marine ecosystems as well as for human health. Therefore, two bench scale membrane bioreactors (MBRs) were investigated for hydrocarbon biodegradation. The two plants were initially fed with synthetic wastewater characterised by an increasing salinity, in order to enhance biomass acclimatio…

research product