Mathieu Siol

Predicting pesticide biodegradation potential from microbial community composition: new tools for bioremediation

Bioaugmentation is receiving increasing attention as a green technology to treat contaminatedareas by inoculating specific biodegrading microorganisms. However, our understanding of therole of microbial community composition and structure in the expression of contaminantdegradation potential is yet to improve. It could help making wise choice for microorganisms –community or specific strain – to be inoculated in contaminated soils with consideration to theirindigeneous microbiota.Here we tried to predict the microbial degradation of two herbicides, glyphosate andisoproturon by means of penalized regression and machine learning methods routinely used ingenomic selection. To this end, we cond…

research product

Genetic diversity for partner choice in a core collection of pea accessions inoculated by a mix of five Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae genotypes

National audience

research product

Effets des interactions entre diversité végétale inter et intraspécifique et communautés microbiennes du sol sur les propriétés de l’écosystème - Candidature à la bourse Phytomic

National audience; Le lien entre diversité et fonctionnement d’un écosystème ainsi que les mécanismes sous-jacents sont très étudiés en génétique des populations et en écologie des communautés et des écosystèmes. La première s’attèle à décrire les effets de la variabilité génétique intraspécifique sur différentes propriétés écosystémiques tandis que la deuxième s’intéresse aux interactions écologiques au niveau interspécifique. Notre objectif est de faire le lien entre ces deux champs disciplinaires par l’étude des effets conjoints d’une mobilisation de la diversité végétale intra et interspécifique et de la diversité microbienne sur les propriétés de l’écosystème. Nous avons mesuré différe…

research product

Genetic diversity of nodulated root structure and nitrogen nutrition in a core collection of pea

Pea (Pisum sativum) is the third most important grain legume worldwide, and the increasing demand for protein-rich raw material for animal feed or human nutrition has led to a greater interest in this crop as a protein source. Moreover, legumes do not need nitrogen (N) fertilizers, thanks to their natural ability to use, as main N resource, the atmospheric N2 from symbiosis in nodules with Rhizobiaceae spp. However, N nutrition can still be a limiting factor of yield and seed quality in legumes because nodules are very sensitive to their local environment, in particular to nitrate, and root systems of N2 fixing legumes are poorly developed, which makes them unable to explore a large soil vo…

research product

Predicting pesticide biodegradation potential from microbial community composition : new tools for bioremediation

Bioaugmentation is receiving increasing attention as a green technology to treat contaminated areas by inoculating specific biodegrading microorganisms. However, our understanding of the role of microbial community composition and structure in the expression of contaminant degradation potential is yet to improve. It could help making wise choice for microorganisms – community or specific strain – to be inoculated in contaminated soils with consideration to their indigeneous microbiota. Here we tried to predict the microbial degradation of two herbicides, glyphosate and isoproturon by means of penalized regression and machine learning methods routinely used in genomic selection. To this end,…

research product

Nouveaux outils en bioremédiation : prédiction du potentiel de dégradation d’une communauté à partir de sa composition et création de communautés multidégradantes par coalescence

En bioremédiation, la bioaugmentation consiste en l’introduction de microorganismes dans un milieu contaminé afin d’augmenter et/ou de suppléer la population bactérienne en place, dans l’objectif de le dépolluer. Cette approche est cependant limitée par la difficulté de choisir des microorganismes efficients - communauté ou souche spécifique – à inoculer, en lien avec les conditions abiotiques et les microorganismes indigènes du milieu pollué.Dans ce travail nous avons cherché à prédire le potentiel microbien de dégradation de deux pesticides, le glyphosate et l’isoproturon, de communautés microbiennes telluriques en utilisant des méthodes statistiques issues de la prédiction génomique. Pou…

research product

Adaptive introgression from maize has facilitated the establishment of teosinte as a noxious weed in Europe

Global trade has considerably accelerated biological invasions. The annual tropical teosintes, the closest wild relatives of maize, were recently reported as new agricultural weeds in two European countries, Spain and France. Their prompt settlement under climatic conditions differing drastically from that of their native range indicates rapid genetic evolution. We performed a phenotypic comparison of French and Mexican teosintes under European conditions and showed that only the former could complete their life cycle during maize cropping season. To test the hypothesis that crop-to-wild introgression triggered such rapid adaptation, we used single nucleotide polymorphisms to characterize p…

research product

Genetic diversity and trait genomic prediction in a pea diversity panel

Background Pea (Pisum sativum L.), a major pulse crop grown for its protein-rich seeds, is an important component of agroecological cropping systems in diverse regions of the world. New breeding challenges imposed by global climate change and new regulations urge pea breeders to undertake more efficient methods of selection and better take advantage of the large genetic diversity present in the Pisum sativum genepool. Diversity studies conducted so far in pea used Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) and Retrotransposon Based Insertion Polymorphism (RBIP) markers. Recently, SNP marker panels have been developed that will be useful for genetic diversity assessment and marker-assisted selection. Resu…

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