A.i. Morales
Commissioning of the BRIKEN beta-delayed neutron detector for the study of exotic neutron-rich nuclei
Beta-delayed neutron emission (Beta-n) is a form of radioactive decay in which an electron, an anti-neutrino and one or more neutrons are emitted. This process arises if the energy window of the decay Q_Beta is greater than the neutron separation energy S n of the daughter. The probability in each decay of emitting neutrons is called the Pn value. This form of decay plays a key role in the synthesis of chemical elements in the Universe via the rapid neutron capture process, or r-process. The r-process proceeds far from the valley of nuclear stability, and leads to very neutron-rich nuclei that then decay to the line of stability. Most of these nuclei are ßn emitters. The initial abundance d…
Evolution of deformation in neutron-rich Ba isotopes up to A=150
12 pags., 11 figs., 3 tabs. -- Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 4.0
The BRIKEN Project: Extensive Measurements of $\beta $-delayed Neutron Emitters for the Astrophysical r Process
An ambitious program to measure decay properties, primarily β-delayed neutron emission probabilities and half-lives, for a significant number of nuclei near or on the path of the rapid neutron capture process, has been launched at the RIKEN Nishina Center. We give here an overview of the status of the project.