Carlos Zabaleta
Prenatal exposure to phenols and lung function, wheeze, and asthma in school-age children from 8 European birth cohorts
Prenatal exposure to phenolic compounds, widely used in many consumer products, can alter lung development and increase the risk of respiratory disorders in the offspring. However, evidence is scarce and mostly focused on bisphenol-A (BPA), although there are other substitutes that could also interfere with the developing respiratory system. We aim to estimate the association between exposure to 5 phenols during pregnancy (BPA, BPAF, BPB, BPF, and BPS) and lung function, wheeze, and asthma in school-age children. We included 2685 mother-child pairs from 8 European birth cohorts. Phenols concentrations were determined in urinary maternal samples collected during pregnancy (1999-2010). Betwee…
Prenatal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances, immune-related outcomes, and lung function in children from a Spanish birth cohort study.
Background: Prenatal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) has been associated with impaired immune and respiratory health during childhood but the evidence is inconsistent and limited for lung function. We studied the association between prenatal PFASs exposure and immune and respiratory health, including lung function, up to age 7 years in the Spanish INMA birth cohort study. Methods: We assessed four PFASs in maternal plasma samples collected during the 1st trimester of pregnancy (years: 2003-2008): perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoate (PFOA), and perfluorononanoate (PFNA). Mothers reported the occurrence (yes/no) of lower respir…
Pre and postnatal exposure to mercury and respiratory health in preschool children from the Spanish INMA Birth Cohort Study
Effects of mercury on maturing immune system have been reported, however the association with respiratory and allergy problems during infancy remains unclear. The aim of this study is to evaluate the association between pre and postnatal mercury exposure and respiratory and allergy problems among preschool children and to examine the role of potential modifying factors. Study subjects were children participant in Spanish Childhood and Environment Project (INMA, 2003-2008). We measured total mercury levels in cord blood (n = 1868) and hair at 4 years of age (n = 1347). Respiratory outcomes (wheezing, severe wheezing, chestiness, persistent cough, eczema and otitis) were obtained by questionn…
Prenatal exposure to organochlorine compounds and lung function during childhood
Introduction: Prenatal exposure to organochlorine compounds (OCs) can increase the risk of reported respiratory symptoms in children. It remains unclear whether these compounds can also impact on lung function. We assessed the association between prenatal exposure to OCs and lung function during childhood. Methods: We included 1308 mother-child pairs enrolled in a prospective cohort study. Prenatal concentrations of p,p′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane [p,p′-DDT], p,p′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene [p,p′-DDE], hexachlorobenzene [HCB], and seven polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs] were measured in cord blood. Spirometry was performed in the offspring at ages 4 (n = 636) and 7 years (n = 1192…
Prenatal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances and immune and respiratory outcomes
Prenatal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) may be associated with impaired immune and respiratory health during childhood but the evidence is scarce and inconsistent. We studied the association between prenatal PFAS exposure and immune and respiratory health up to age 7 years in the Spanish INMA birth cohort (n=1188). We assessed perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoate (PFOA), and perfluorononanoate (PFNA) in maternal plasma samples. Mothers reported the occurrence (yes/no) of chest infections, lower respiratory tract infections, wheezing, asthma, and eczema in the previous 12 months at 1.5 and 4 years of the child and at 7 years. A…
Intrauterine and postnatal exposure to outdoor NO2 and lung function at school age
Lungs are highly vulnerable to permanent harmful effects of environmental factors during their in-utero and early life development. The detrimental effects of air pollution on lung development are well known although studies mainly focused on the postnatal exposure period. We investigated the windows of susceptibility during pregnancy and first 7 postnatal years on the association between nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and lung function at the age of 7 years in the INMA cohort in Spain. We estimated monthly average exposure to NO2 for the prenatal and postnatal period at home address of 1230 children with temporally-adjusted land use regression models. Spirometry was performed at age 7. We estimate…