Mustapha Boucelham
Growth increase of birch seedlings under the influence of earthworms—a laboratory study
The effects of the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus (Hoffm.) on net production and nitrogen content of birch seedlings were studied in laboratory microcosms. Coniferous forest floors with litter, humus and mineral horizons were simulated in transparent plastic cylinders. The materials were partially sterilized by microwaving, and re-inoculated with microflora and -fauna. A young (9 cm) birch seedling (Betula pendula Roth) was planted in each container. Earthworms were added to half of the replicates. The microcosms, through which a constant air flow was maintained, were incubated in a climate chamber. After two growth periods, leaf and stem biomasses of birch in treatments with earthworms incre…
Dead-wood effects on enchytraeids and nematodes in thinned and unmanaged Norway spruce forests
Abstract The effects of dead wood on enchytraeids and nematodes were studied in thinned and uncut Norway spruce forests in two experiments. Fifteen pairs of small spruce logs (one enclosed in polyethylene sheet and another untreated control) were returned to the forest floor in a complete randomized block design after thinning. Soil under the logs and at distances of 0–6 cm and 6–12 cm from each log was sampled after one growing season, and enchytraeids and nematodes were extracted and forest floor properties measured. Log enclosure increased enchytraeid length irrespective of the distance from the log. Soil moisture or pH were not affected by enclosure, but organic matter content was reduc…