Irfan Y. Tamboli
P4-295: Small vessel disease-induced microvascular protein leakage provides a possible pathogenetic link to Alzheimer's disease
Adaptation of neuronal cells to chronic oxidative stress is associated with altered cholesterol and sphingolipid homeostasis and lysosomal function
Chronic oxidative stress has been causally linked to several neurodegenerative disorders. As sensitivity for oxidative stress greatly differs between brain regions and neuronal cell types, specific cellular mechanisms of adaptation to chronic oxidative stress should exist. Our objective was to identify molecular mechanisms of adaptation of neuronal cells after applying chronic sublethal oxidative stress. We demonstrate that cells resistant to oxidative stress exhibit altered cholesterol and sphingomyelin metabolisms. Stress-resistant cells showed reduced levels of molecules involved in cholesterol trafficking and intracellular accumulation of cholesterol, cholesterol precursors, and metabol…