G. D’amico
The Clinical Course of Portal Hypertension in Liver Cirrhosis
Portal hypertension is caused by liver cirrhosis in almost %% of patients in Europe and in North America. Other causes such as hepato-splenic schistosomiasis, noncirrhotic portal fibrosis and extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis are more common in Asia and South America.
Prevention of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Cirrhotic Patients
The prevalence of varices in patients with cirrhosis is stated to be about 50% and the risk of variceal bleeding 40% with mortality ranging from 30% to 60%. Differences may be due to patient selection and diagnostic criteria. The death risk of first bleeding seems to be higher than that of subsequent episodes (Christensen et al. 1981; D’Amico et al. 1986), indicating that the first bleeding episode causes a selection.
Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to a dark matter signal from the Galactic centre
Full list of authors: Acharyya, A.; Adam, R.; Adams, C.; Agudo, I.; Aguirre-Santaella, A.; Alfaro, R.; Alfaro, J.; Alispach, C.; Aloisio, R.; Alves Batista, R.; Amati, L.; Ambrosi, G.; Angüner, E. O.; Antonelli, L. A.; Aramo, C.; Araudo, A.; Armstrong, T.; Arqueros, F.; Asano, K.; Ascasíbar, Y. Ashley, M.; Balazs, C.; Ballester, O.; Baquero Larriva, A.; Barbosa Martins, V.; Barkov, M.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Barrio, J. A.; Bastieri, D.; Becerra, J.; Beck, G.; Becker Tjus, J.; Benbow, W.; Benito, M.; Berge, D.; Bernardini, E.; Bernlöhr, K.; Berti, A.; Bertucci, B.; Beshley, V.; Biasuzzi, B.; Biland, A.; Bissaldi, E.; Biteau, J.; Blanch, O.; Blazek, J.; Bocchino, F.; Boisson, C.; Bonneau Arbe…
Platelet count does not predict bleeding in cirrhotic patients: Results from the PRO-LIVER Study
OBJECTIVES: Thrombocytopenia is a hallmark for patients with cirrhosis and it is perceived as a risk factor for bleeding events. However, the relationship between platelet count and bleeding is still unclear. METHODS: We investigated the relationship between platelet count and major or clinical relevant nonmajor bleedings during a follow-up of â¼4 years. RESULTS: A total of 280 cirrhotic patients with different degrees of liver disease (67% males; age 64±37 years; 47% ChildâPugh B and C) were followed up for a median of 1,129 (interquartile range: 800â1,498) days yielding 953.12 patient-year of observation. The annual rate of any significant bleeding was 5.45%/year (3.57%/year and 1.8…