Does general anesthesia have a clinical impact on intraocular pressure in children?
Summary Background Reliable measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP) is crucial in pediatric patients with suspected glaucoma. General anesthesia (GA) is usually needed in infants to allow a thorough examination. However, anesthesia itself may influence IOP, depending on the type used and the depth of sedation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the normal distribution of IOP during GA in healthy children and to analyze differences in IOP relative to the anesthetics used and the measurement time point. Methods Approval for this observational study was received from the local institutional review boards and written informed consent was obtained from the children's parents. A total of…
Schwankungen des Augeninnendrucks, Blutdrucks und okulären Perfusionsdrucks bei Glaukompatienten
Hintergrund: Neben dem erhohten Augeninnendruck als Hauptrisikofaktor fur Entstehen und Fortschreiten des Glaukoms wird Schwankungen des Augeninnendrucks, Blutdrucks und okularen Perfusionsdrucks eine zunehmende Rolle zugesprochen. Uber den Einfluss von antiglaukomatosen Augentropfen auf diese Parameter ist wenig bekannt. Diese Studie untersucht 1) den Zusammenhang zwischen Schwankungen des Augeninnendrucks, Blutdrucks und okularen Perfusionsdrucks und der Schwere der glaukomatosen Erkrankung sowie 2) inwieweit diese Parameter durch unterschiedliche antiglaukomatose Augentropfen beeinflusst werden. Material und Methoden: Daten von 121 Glaukompatienten, die zwischen 2003 und 2012 ein station…
Design and Baseline Characteristics of the HELP Study: An Extended and Long-Term Observation of Pathological Myopia in Caucasians.
<b><i>Purpose:</i></b> To assess the natural disease progression of high myopia in Caucasians considered at risk for the development of myopic choroidal neovascularization (mCNV). <b><i>Methods:</i></b> Subjects were recruited in 25 clinical sites between June 2014 and June 2016. Main inclusion criteria included axial length of ≥26 mm, best-corrected visual acuity ≥0.05 decimal equivalent and presence of at least one out of five predefined morphological disease risk criteria. These were (1) subfoveal choroidal thinning &#x3c; 50 µm, (2) enhanced choroidal curvature length &#x3e; 6,300 µm, (3) lacquer cracks, (4) patchy atrophy &#x3…