Karlis Ventins
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Next-generation-sequencing-based identification of familial hypercholesterolemia-related mutations in subjects with increased LDLâ C levels in a latvian population
All variants found in study group. (DOC 611Â kb)
Next-generation-sequencing-based identification of familial hypercholesterolemia-related mutations in subjects with increased LDL–C levels in a latvian population
Background Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is one of the commonest monogenic disorders, predominantly inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. When untreated, it results in early coronary heart disease. The vast majority of FH remains undiagnosed in Latvia. The identification and early treatment of affected individuals remain a challenge worldwide. Most cases of FH are caused by mutations in one of four genes, APOB, LDLR, PCSK9, or LDLRAP1. The spectrum of disease-causing variants is very diverse and the variation detection panels usually used in its diagnosis cover only a minority of the disease-causing gene variants. However, DNA-based tests may provide an FH diagnosis for FH patients…