Epoch versus impulse models in the analysis of parametric fMRI studies
Abstract Objective In parametric fMRI studies the relationship between the amplitude of the hemodynamic response and electrophysiological or behavioral parameters is commonly analyzed using the general linear model (GLM). We examined ways of using single-trial response time (RT) in the analysis of a decision-making task to better isolate task-specific activation. Methods fMRI and RT data were recorded in twenty-one subjects performing a visual-oddball-task. Four explanatory variables (EVs) were generated for the GLM-analysis: A conventional (constant impulse) EV, a constant epoch EV informed using subjects’ average RT, a variable impulse EV and a variable epoch EV both informed using single…
Performing allocentric visuospatial judgments with induced distortion of the egocentric reference frame: an fMRI study with clinical implications
The temporary improvement of visuospatial neglect during galvanic vestibular stimulation (Scand. J. Rehabil. Med. 31 (1999)117) may result from correction of the spatial reference frame distorted by the responsible lesion. Prior to an investigation of the neural basis of this effect in neurological patients, exploration of the neural mechanisms underlying such procedures in normals is required to provide insight into the physiological basis thereof. Despite their clinical impact, the neural mechanisms underlying the interaction of galvanic (and other) vestibular manipulations with visuospatial processing (and indeed the neural bases of how spatial reference frames are computed in man) remai…