Guohong Han
Corrigendum to ‘Baveno VII – Renewing consensus in portal hypertension’ [J Hepatol (2022) 959-974]
Refining prediction of survival after TIPS with the novel Freiburg index of post-TIPS survival.
Background & Aims Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) implantation is an effective and safe treatment for complications of portal hypertension. Survival prediction is important in these patients as they constitute a high-risk population. Therefore, the aim of our study was to develop an alternative prognostic model for accurate survival prediction after planned TIPS implantation. Methods A total of 1,871 patients with de novo TIPS implantation for ascites or secondary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding were recruited retrospectively. The study cohort was divided into a training set (80% of study patients; n = 1,496) and a validation set (20% of study patients; n = 375). Furth…