Systems Approach to Eastern Baltic Coastal Zone Management
Relying on the results of multivariate analysis of the re-analysis case studies from the BaltCoast project, specific features of integrated coastal management (ICM) approaches in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation are highlighted in this paper. Eleven Eastern Baltic ICM case studies have been re-analyzed in-depth, which was the main focus of the present paper, covering a wide range of coastal landscapes, themes, policy issues, and ICM approaches. Five principal components explaining 84.86% of the total variance of ICM factor scores have been elicited by calculating rotation sums of squared loadings: (1) Stakeholder Involvement
Vides zinātnes un pārvaldes studiju saturs un formas augstskolā
Saturs: Ievads 1. Vides izglītības rašanās un vēsturiskā attīstība; 1.1. Vides izglītības būtība; 1.2. Ārvalstu universitāšu vides studiju programmu analīze; 1.3. Vides studiju satura un formu attīstība Latvijā; 2. Vides zinātne un pārvalde kā interdisciplīna augstskolā; 2.1. Vides zinātnes un pārvaldes pedagoģijas pamati; 2.2. Studiju programmas satura un formu eksperimentāla veidošana; 2.2.1. Multidisciplināra programma ar interdisciplinarizētu studiju elementiem; 2.2.2. Multidisciplināra programma ar dominējošu interdisciplinarizācijas pakāpi; 2.3. Satura un formu veidošana interdisciplinārā maģistra studiju programmā; 3. Akadēmisko un profesionālo vides zinātnes un pārvaldes studiju pro…
Municipal waste management issues
Sustainable urban mobility planning development preconditions: governance system approach
Coastal Governance Solutions Development in Latvia
This chapter has focused on the application of the environmental collaboration communication model for separate coastal municipalities in Latvia, in order to assess and to advise on the development of coastal-climate-risk-communication specifications. The model has four components— information, education, participation, and environmentally friendly behavior —and its use in three coastal municipalities was examined in relation to coastal governance processes and stakeholder participation. This four-part model is recommended for use by municipal administrations in other types of complex communication applications, and should be introduced into all governance levels of the planning process and…