Giulio Ventura

Investigation on pixellated CZT detectors coupled with a low power readout ASIC

In this work, we investigated on the spectroscopic performances of two pixellated CZT detectors coupled with a custom low noise and low power readout ASIC. The detectors (10 x 10 x 1 mm3 and 10 x 10 x 2 mm3 single crystals) consist of an array of 256 pixels with a geometric pitch of 0.5 mm. The ASIC, fabricated in 0.8 μm BiCMOS technology, is equipped with eight independent channels (preamplifier and shaper) characterized by a dynamic range from 10 keV to 100 keV, low power consumption (0.5 mW/channel) and low noise (150–500 electrons r.m.s.). The spectroscopic results point out the good energy resolution of both detectors at room temperature (5.8 % FWHM at 59.5 keV for the 1 mm thick detec…

research product

Characterization of a CZT focal plane small prototype for hard X-ray telescope

The promise of good energy and spatial resolution coupled with high efficiency and room temperature operation has fuelled a large international effort to develop cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) for hard X-ray applications. We are involved on the development of a hard X-ray telescope based on multilayer optics and focal plane detector operative in the 10-80 keV energy range. This telescope requires a high efficiency focal plane providing both fine spatial resolution and spectroscopy with a compact and robust design. This paper reports preliminary results on the characterization both in spectroscopic and spatial response of two small pixellated CZT detectors (10times10times1 mm3 and 10times10tim…

research product