Alberto Del Hoyo
Temporal and spatial diversification of the African disjunct genus Androcymbium (Colchicaceae)
Abstract The genus Androcymbium (Colchicaceae) includes 57 species that are distributed in the extreme northern and southern portions of Africa, mainly in regions with a Mediterranean climate. We present the first phylogeographic analysis of the genus with species from all five of its distribution areas (North Africa, Horn of Africa, Namibia, western South Africa, and eastern South Africa). We used sequence data from six chloroplast regions and one nuclear region. Phylogeographic reconstructions were conducted using both parsimony and Bayesian inference methods. Molecular dating estimates using a Bayesian approach suggest a middle Miocene (13.4 ± 1.5 mya) origin of the genus; this approach …
New conservation viewpoints when plants are viewed at one level higher. Integration of phylogeographic structure, niche modeling and genetic diversity in conservation planning of W Mediterranean larkspurs
Protection and management of closely related endangered species and subspecies at a very narrow regional scale is the origin of multiple dysfunctional conservation decisions. These include artificially increased IUCN risk assessment categories and derived consequences: poor effectiveness in allocating public and private funds or repeat of unnecessary actions/facilities. Data provided by the revisited study of a group of W Mediterranean larkspurs (Delphinium ser. Fissa), including new data on demography, niche modeling, genetic diversity and phylogeography, contributed to a new and wider analysis of causes of threat. Although current IUCN Red List regulations did not allow for assessments at…
Taxonomic clarification in W-Mediterranean Androcymbium (Colchicaceae): A. wyssianum sunk in the synonymy of A.gramineum and A.europaeum restored
Abstract Hoyo A. del & Pedrola-Monfort J.: Taxonomic clarification in W Mediterranean Androcymbium (Colchicaceae): A. wyssianum sunk in the synonymy of A. gramineum and A. europaeum restored. — Willdenowia 40: 47–53. — Online ISSN 1868-6397. — © 2010 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem. doi:10.3372/wi.40.40103 (available via http://dx.doi.org/) Capsule dehiscence has been used as a diagnostic character for W Mediterranean species of Androcymbium. Depending on the state of capsule maturity, the character, however, can be ambiguous in herbarium material. Based on morphological, phenological and cpDNA characters it is shown that misinterpretation of the capsule as indehiscent in the type material of A. gramine…