Kristine Thomassen
Public-Private Partnership: Transaction Costs of Tendering
Abstract What are the transaction costs of participating in a public-private partnership (PPP) tender? Prior research indicate that there is a significant amount of resources required. However, few researchers seem to measure transaction costs directly. The purpose of this paper is therefore to fill this knowledge gap by presenting estimated transaction costs from both public and private actors. The underlying approach for this research was a case study of a new primary school in Norway. This case was chosen because of the expedient access to detailed information of the tendering process. The main source of data was documents and estimated figures obtained from public and private actors inv…
Offentlig-Privat Samarbeid: Transaksjonskostnader i Anbudskonkurransen og Insentiver for Deltakelse
Masteroppgave økonomi og administrasjon BE501 - Universitetet i Agder 2016 Kristiansand municipality decided to procure Justvik school through public-private partnership (PPP). The idea was to utilize private sector´s efficiency, management and expertise to design, build, finance and operate a public school through a long-term contractual arrangement. The model is debated as the desired efficiency gains are not proved to exceed the costs of the model. Previous research indicate that there is significant use of resources associated with PPP tendering. This paper examines the transaction costs in tendering for a PPP project. The research provides no basis for comparison with other procurement…