Carlos Pérez-campos
The importance of the services brand in predicting loyalty and word of mouth
This research is related to brand perception and its implications for the management of services, especially for hedonic services. The aim of this study is to analyse the influence of perceived brand quality on credibility and attitudes towards this perceived quality from the point of view of users, as well as whether that relationship could trigger increased loyalty and recommendations. The survey was conducted with usersof a public sports service located in Valencia, Spain, and the analysis of the data and the creation of the structural model was carried out using structural equation modeling (SEM). Its results have confirmed the influence of perceived quality on credibility but not on at…
Intenciones futuras de participar en un pequeño evento deportivo sostenible: influencia de la motivación, afición y satisfacción de los participantes en carreras solidarias
La celebracion de eventos deportivos sostenibles de pequena escala presenta un impacto limitado en la comunidad, pero a su vez, su celebracion puede ocasionar grandes beneficios. Es por ello que la celebracion de este tipo de eventos se ha incrementado en los ultimos anos, en multiples ocasiones con fines solidarios. Sin embargo, son escasos los estudios encontrados que analizan las valoraciones de los participantes. Por lo tanto, es el objetivo de este estudio analizar las valoraciones en referencias a la motivacion por participar, la aficion por la practica deportiva y su satisfaccion con la celebracion del evento respecto a las intenciones futuras de participacion en este. Los resultados…
The importance of developing the entrepreneurial capacities in sport sciences university students
ABSTRACTEntrepreneurship in the sports sector plays a key role in the increasing demand for sports professionals that possess entrepreneurial skills. Universities may help build the skills of sports science graduates by adopting educational policies to promote entrepreneurship. However, the capabilities that must be achieved to this end, and other factors, are unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study is to understand what perceived capabilities, internal factors (entrepreneurial courses), and external factors (environment) influence entrepreneurial intentions of students of physical activity and sport sciences. To achieve these goals, we analysed a sample of undergraduate and postgraduate …
Entrepreneurial ecosystems for developing the sports industry in European Union countries
Abstract In recent years, the entrepreneurial ecosystem approach has gained particular interest worldwide for understanding the context of entrepreneurship at the macro level. However, although the sports sector is gaining importance in the European Union and can improve people's health, generate employment, and contribute to countries' GDP, no research from this perspective has been found. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the influence of different indicators related to innovation on European Union countries' shared sport-related GDP (last data available from 2012 were used). The results showed that 12 solutions could explain 76% of the cases of high levels of shared sport-related GDP. The…