Elina Hasanen
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Preparing physical and health education pre-service teachers to support students’ physical activity and wellbeing during the school day
Increasingly, physical education teachers are expected to become the cog in an ever-expanding physical activity (PA) promotion wheel. This requires such teachers to be equipped with new knowledge a...
Sociodemographic Correlates of Parental Co-Participation in Digital Media Use and Physical Play of Preschool-Age Children
Young children’s digital media use and physical activity have gained attention in recent research. Parental co-participation has a major impact on children’s health consequences. This study addressed a gap in the research by investigating daily parental co-participation in children’s digital media use and physical play, using the family ecological model theoretical framework. The participants in this nationally representative cross-sectional study were 2512 Finnish parents with two- to six-year-old children. Parents completed a questionnaire. Sociodemographic correlates of co-participation and of the awareness of guidelines regarding co-participation and correlation between co-participation…
Saamelaisen urheiluliikkeen identiteetin pohjana poronhoito
Lihasvoimaa kaupunkiliikenteeseen : suosituksia kävelyn, pyöräilyn ja muiden aktiivisten ja kestävien kulkutapojen edistämiseksi
Ulkomainen nimi vaikeuttaa pääsyä urheiluseuraan
Extracting locations from sport and exercise-related social media messages using a neural network-based bilingual toponym recognition model
Funding: This study is a part of the “Equality in suburban physical activity environments, YLLI” research project (in Finnish: Yhdenvertainen liikunnallinen lähiö, YLLI). The project is being financed by the research program about suburban in Finland “Lähiöohjelma 2020-2022” coordinated by the Ministry of Environment (grant recipient: Dr. Petteri Muukkonen). Sport and exercise contribute to health and well-being in cities. While previous research has mainly focused on activities at specific locations such as sport facilities, “informal sport” that occur at arbitrary locations across the city have been largely neglected. Such activities are more challenging to observe, but this challenge may…
Defining the accessibility of physical activity : Tracing the social dimension
The promotion of the physical activity (PA) of citizens has traditionally focused on improving spatial accessibility, especially in municipal administrations. However, research evidence indicates that proximity to PA environments is not a sufficient condition for increased PA. This article presents a broader model of the dimensions of the accessibility of PA, developed in cooperation between researchers and the authorities of two cities in Finland. As a result, ten dimensions affecting accessibility have been identified: spatial, temporal, physical/technological, informational, economic, legal/ administrative, cultural/attitudinal, skills related, mental and social. A special focus of atten…
Meeting the WHO 24-h guidelines among 2–6-year-old children by family socioeconomic status before and during the COVID-19 pandemic : a repeated cross-sectional study
Background The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed guidelines for 24-h physical activity (PA), sedentary behaviour and sleep for young children. Lower socioeconomic status (SES) has been linked to a lower likelihood of meeting these guidelines. The outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) raised concerns about young children’s opportunities to meet the guidelines. The study focused on the prevalence of meeting the WHO’s 24-h guidelines on screen time (ST), PA and sleep among 2–6-year-old children, in association with family SES, before COVID-19 outbreak in 2019, and during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021 in Finland. Methods Data were collected at three timepoints by an o…
Learning to Cycle : A Cross-Cultural and Cross-Generational Comparison
BackgroundLearning to cycle is an important milestone for children, but the popularity of cycling and the environmental factors that promote the development and practice of this foundational movement skill vary among cultures and across time. This present study aimed to investigate if country of residence and the generation in which a person was born influence the age at which people learn to cycle.MethodsData were collected through an online survey between November 2019 and December 2020. For this study, a total of 9,589 responses were obtained for adults (self-report) and children (parental report) living in 10 countries (Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Finland, Spain, Belgium, United Kingdom, M…
Sosiaaliset normit vähentävät liikuntaa siirryttäessä lapsuudesta nuoruuteen
Viisi kävelyn ja pyöräilyn skenaariota
‘Life is team play’: social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in the context of Special Olympics
This article provides insights from an empirical study on the meaning of social inclusion for Finnish athletes with intellectual disabilities (ID) who participate in Special Olympics (SO). A further objective was to explore the athletes’ perceptions of the role SO has played in their lives regarding their personal experiences of social inclusion. Data were transcripts of five focus group interviews carried out with a total of 31 participants during the last SO World Winter Games in 2017. The content was analysed with the aim of identifying the main themes in the athletes’ conversations about social inclusion. Three main themes were identified: inclusion as a contrast to past discrimination;…
Maantieteestä uutta tietoa polkemisen hyvinvointivaikutuksista
Nuorten omaehtoinen liikkuminen : arkeen sopivia, merkityksellisiä palasia
Perinteisiltä liikuntapaikoilta löytyy vain osa nuorten omaehtoisesta liikkumisesta. Omaehtoinen liikkuminen ulottuu yli niiden rajojen ja määritysten, joilla liikunta on aikuisjohtoisissa instituutioissa ollut tapana jäsentää. Omaehtoisesti liikkumaan lähteminen tarjoaa nuorelle hänen arkeensa sopivia merkityksellisiä palasia, usein yhdessäolon ja leikkisyyden sallivilla paikoilla. nonPeerReviewed
Pyöräilytaidon oppimista selittävät yksilö-, ympäristö- ja tehtävätason tekijät 1950-2010-luvuilla
Pyöräily on yksi suomalaisten yleisimmistä liikkumismuodoista. Yhteiskunnan tasolla pyöräilyn merkityksissä korostuvat väestön arkiliikunnan lisääminen ja kestävän liikenteen edistäminen. Suomalaislapsille pyöräilytaito mahdollistaa merkittävän itsenäisen liikkumisen tavan ja edesauttaa elinpiirin laajentumista. Pyöräilytaidon oppimiseen liittyvistä tekijöistä tiedetään kuitenkin hyvin vähän. Tämä tieto olisi tärkeää, jotta mahdollisimman monelle voitaisiin jo varhaisella iällä tarjota mahdollisuus omaksua pyöräilyn kautta fyysisesti aktiivinen ja ekologisesti kestävä elämäntapa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selvittää, mitkä yksilö-, ympäristö- ja tehtävätekijät selittävät pyöräilytaidon…
Liikkujien määrän mittaamisessa tarvitaan monia menetelmiä
Liikuntatieteen ja maantieteen osaamista yhdistäneestä Yhdenvertainen liikunnallinen lähiö (YLLI) -hankkeessa kertyi tietoa Helsingin Kontulan ja Jyväskylän Huhtasuon liikuntapaikkojen käytöstä ja käyttäjistä. Samalla karttui kokemuksia eri mittausmenetelmistä. Käyttöä on niin laskureille, havainnoinnille, somedatalle kuin kyselyille. nonPeerReviewed
"Me ollaan koko ajan liikkeessä" : tutkimus nuorten omaehtoisen liikkumisen muodoista ja merkityksistä tilan kehyksissä
This study examines the meanings and prerequisites of self-organised physical activity from young people’s perspective. The theoretical framework is social space, which enables young people’s experiences to be interpreted in parallel with their physical, social, and cultural environment. Three research questions are addressed: (1) Where does young people’s self-organised physical activity take place? (2) What are the forms of the activity? (3) What meanings do young people associate with the spaces of the activity? The research data were collected within one municipality. The main data consist of 34 theme interviews with young people aged 12 to 16 years. The interviewees were selected mainl…
Liikkumisen esteiden poistaminen vie kohti yhdenvertaisuutta
Väestön liikkumisen lisäämiseksi on keskityttävä esteiden poistamiseen. Liikuntamahdollisuuksien saavutettavuudessa ei ole kyse yksinomaan liikuntapaikkojen tarjonnasta. nonPeerReviewed
Closed due to COVID-19: effects of indoor sports restrictions on suburban adults’ physical activity behaviours
During the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been required adaptations in leisure-time physical activity (PA) especially due to restrictive policies concerning indoor sport facilities (ISF). This study investigated the effects of the constraints on ISF among residents of two low socioeconomic status suburbs in Finland. Research questions were: (1) Are sociodemographic characteristics associated with a reduced use of ISF during the pandemic? (2) Are sociodemographic characteristics associated with changes in the overall PA amount among those respondents with a reduced use of ISF? (3) Is the reduced use of ISF associated with an increased use of other PA environments (home environment, built out…
Assessing travel time-based accessibility to outdoor ice skating fields for children in Helsinki during the COVID-19 pandemic
This paper was written within the research project called “Equality in suburban physical activity environments, YLLI” (in Finnish: Yhdenvertainen liikunnallinen lähiö, YLLI) funded by the Suburban Programme 2020–2022 (in Finnish: Lähiöohjelma 2020–2022, decision number VN/10837/2020). Informal sport is central to Finnish children’s leisure and physical activity time. This paper aims to build a better understanding of the travel time-based accessibility to informal sports facilities, specifically to ice skating fields, for children and adolescents (aged 7–19) in the city of Helsinki. We focused on the winter of 2020–2021 because COVID-19 restrictions on indoor activities resulted in ice skat…