Kristóf Fenyvesi
Intézmények, folyamatok és kutatások a nemzetközi magyarságtudományban : a Jyväskyläi egyetem magyarságtudományi programjának első húsz éve = Institutions, tendencies and research in the international Hungarian studies : the first twenty years of the Jyväskylä University's Hungarian studies program
The University of Jyväskylä's Hungarian Studies Program celebrated its twentieth anniversary with an international conference, held on March 15, 2011. The event was opened by Rector Matti Manninen, who at that time served as the Vice-Rector of the university. The conference participants included people from six European countries who not only commended Jyväskylä's Hungarian Studies Program, but took accounts of the history of the main international institutions of Hungarian Studies abroad as well, devoting special attention to the developments in the last two decades after the political transition in Hungary. The conference proceedings, as a collection of papers by the leading figures of th…