Anita Lontone

Ilgtspējīga piekrastes attīstība: pārvaldības vides pieeja

Maģistra darba „Ilgtspējīga piekrastes attīstība: pārvaldības vides pieeja” mērķis ir izstrādāt vadlīnijas vides pārvaldības integrācijai pašvaldības pārvaldības vidē piekrastes ilgtspējīgas attīstības pārvaldības veicināšanai. Darbā ir identificētas vietējā pārvaldības līmeņa pārvaldības vides problēmas, kas kavē vai veicina piekrastes pašvaldību attīstību. Atsegtas būtiskākās pārvaldības vides komponentes, uz kurām tika balstīts viss pētniecības (maģistra) darbs. Veikts empīriskais pētījums — pārvaldības vides novērtējums Salacgrīvas un Ventspils pašvaldībās. Maģistra darba socioloģiskā pētījuma ietvaros veiktas 32 dziļās intervijas. Pētījumā apkopotas izanalizētās literatūras atziņas un …

research product

Municipal Thematical and Territorial Indicator Systems for Sustainable Socio-Ecological Coastal Governance

Abstract . There are recognized in Latvia the lack of locally based coastal socio-ecological research knowledge and its interpretation into municipal safety and development planning from one side as well as also only land-side oriented and separate sectorial development interests based coastal municipalities’ governance/planning practice from other side. Coastal governance practice development problems solution at the local level are to be seen at both ends of governance cycle – coastal situation evaluation (e.g. science) and policy design and implementation . Overall objective is to create, apply/test and use applicable interface system for integrated coastal science transfer into integrat…

research product

Sustainability Triple Bottom Line Management Enhancement for Municipal Level: Integrated Governance Environment Dimension

To ensure sustainable development of a municipality, it is necessary to improve the potential for development of measures of environmental management balancing the economic, social and environmental dimensions. A lot of municipalities having successfully established goals and objectives, tend to sustainable management, evaluate the quality of local governance, including preparation of documents of the environmental policy and setting the administrative tasks and priorities related to assumptions of sustainable development, systemic evaluation, interdisciplinary approach, and implementation of governance as a comprehensive collaborative management. This review article describes the main comp…

research product

Coastal Governance Solutions Development in Latvia

This chapter has focused on the application of the environmental collaboration communication model for separate coastal municipalities in Latvia, in order to assess and to advise on the development of coastal-climate-risk-communication specifications. The model has four components— information, education, participation, and environmentally friendly behavior —and its use in three coastal municipalities was examined in relation to coastal governance processes and stakeholder participation. This four-part model is recommended for use by municipal administrations in other types of complex communication applications, and should be introduced into all governance levels of the planning process and…

research product