G Bono

Linguistic, psychometric validation and diagnostic ability assessment of an Italian version of a 19-item wearing-off questionnaire for wearing-off detection in Parkinson’s disease

research product

Daphne II Project case report: a 3 years-old baby girl sexually abused from a young of 14 in a domestic extrafamily context

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research product

Forensic investigation in aircraft accident with the aid of CT (MSCT), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): our experience

The autors report their experience in a case of air disaster in which a Tuninter airlines ATR 72 fallen down into the sea near Capo Gallo coast (Palermo, Italy) with 39 persons on board, resulting in six-teen victims. In the present contribute the authors argued the causes of the death and analysed patternes of injuries sustained by passengers involved in the fatal airplane accident using the conventional autopsy combined with postmortem Multi Slice Computed Tomography (MSCT) examination.

research product

Evaluation of nitrogen efficiency indexes in cereals crop production in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems

research product

Are people willing to pay for eco-labeled wild seafood? An overview

In the last two decades, eco-labeled seafood has been becoming an instrument of sustainability directed towards consumers, addressing a market-based incentive for better management of fisheries. In this context, several studies across the countries have been conducted about how much consumers are willing to pay for fish caught by certifiably sustainable fishing activities. In this direction, the aim of this study was to systematize the available information about the willingness-topay (WTP) more for eco-labeled wild seafood. Therefore, only papers published on ISI journals were searched on “Web of Knowledge” and “SciVerse Scopus” platforms, using the combinations of the following key words:…

research product

Sexual abuse and maltreatment on child: protocols, cooperation strategies, Daphne II V.eR.S.O. project, our experience.

research product

Malpractice medica. Un osservatorio per una prevenzione. Atti delle prime giornate di studio del GISDI. Napoli 12-13 marzo 2004

research product

Valutazione e caratterizzazione bio-agronomica e qualitativa di popolazioni di avena (Avena sativa L.) di origine siciliana.

Tra i cereali minori l’avena ((Avena sativa L.) costituisce una importante risorsa agronomica e economica per gli areali mediterranei. Infatti, questa specie è caratterizzata da una maggiore rusticità rispetto a cereali maggiori come il grano duro, che le permettono di ben adattarsi ad ambienti di coltivazione collinari marginali delle aree meridionali. L’ampia gamma di destinazione produttiva della specie sia per l’alimentazione umana (granella) che animale (foraggio-granella, pascolo-fieno, pascolo-insilato) la rendono una specie assai interessante per le aziende cerealicolo-zootecniche. Inoltre, tale specie, ha già promosso una interessante attività sia nel settore agro-alimentare e sia …

research product

Innovative use of natural extracts on the treatment of melanosis of three species of shrimp in the Mediterranean post capture

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Preliminary study on ionic composition in endolymphatic sac of Hoplostethus mediterraneus

research product

The combination of freezing and modified atmosphere packaging inhibits melanosis in giant red shrimp

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