Luigi Caruso
I sistemi di trasporto intelligenti per il successo dei servizi pubblici in ambito urbano
New mobility strategies for the development of tourism in Sicily
Tourism and Transport is a well established and inseparable pair. An areas can increase the tourism in potentially own economy. This requires suitable accommodation and adequate transportation system. A positive synergy effects are induced to increase of the site. Transport is an important growth area for tourism and as a result. A better functioning of transport facilitates access to sites, decreases the cost of transport and increases tourist flows. In Sicily there are a wealth of artistic, archaeological and natural sites, generating a tourist flows during the year. Despite this, the network of connections and services is precarious. Residents and visitors are inaccessible to certain geo…
Sistemi innovativi per la mobilità sostenibile in piccoli centri di valenza storico-culturale.
The fast maritime transport for the waterfront revitalization of the airports in Western Sicily.
In this paper we propose a new mobility model that uses sea transports for systematic and occasional users, tourists, etc.., which must reach the airports of Palermo and Trapani. In particular fast ferries, even with their operational limitations, can be used for quick links designed for the mobility demand that interests the airports of Western Sicily. These transport nodes are currently isolated because they are accessible essentially by means of rubber, given the supply shortages of the rail system. The aim of this study is to reassess the waterfront of a stretch of coast between the two Sicilian airports, places near the sea, that can use sea transport systems to reduce congestion on th…
Sistemi di trasporto pubblico urbano via mare. Un modo per rilanciare il waterfront di Palermo
New sea transport terminals can be major people movers and main centres for various urban activities and functions, determining strong social output. The city of Palermo qualifies as a prominent research territory, due to its densely urbanized and populated waterfront areas, associated with a lack of transport infrastructures and efficient transit systems to meet the mobility demand of residents and commuters. A new waterfront arrangement can improve the city image and opens the way to new urban public transport systems by sea, like ferries and hydrofoils, as an alternative to the conventional land transit systems already affected by unavoidable congestion. Plans to link by sea different de…
Lo sviluppo delle città lineari e la risposta alle nuove esigenze di mobilità
Servizi innovativi per particolari esigenze di trasporto pubblico nelle aree a domanda debole
La mobilità all’interno di un nodo di una rete di trasporto intermodale. Una metodologia di analisi e valutazione
Pedestrian Safety Indicators Study
Pedestrian mobility can be considered an important feature in a new model of town organization, being suitable for the newly urbanized areas as well as the old quarters and the outskirts, places where streets and squares, once devised for a pedestrian based mobility, were eventually overcame by an ever increasing motorized traffic. Enhancing pedestrian mobility could bring new life and activities into the old and historic parts of the town reviving their original identities. The last decade’s increase in the recourse to private cars requires improvements in pedestrian mobility quality. This can be achieved by building new infrastructures, limiting the use of private cars, improving public t…
L’incidentalità stradale in relazione ai punti critici delle infrastrutture. Il caso di Palermo.
Using Geomatics and GIS technologies, the aim of this study is the recovery of a regional economy focused on the areas that are marginalized and depressed, or with an emerging tourist industry, to reach explanatory variables of the airport impact on the regional economy. This analysis is conducted on the basis of geographical data and socio-economic features that characterized the area taken into account. Next to the main activities relating to international air traffic, which absorb large flows of traffic and offer primary and supplementary services, today airport is identified by their irreplaceable role in modern economic life, especially in the connections between places that, for geogr…
Traffic microscopic simulation models are able to represent traffic conditions and their evolution over time. They take into account the geometrical aspects of transport infrastructures, driver behavior and, step by step, the vehicles’ movements on the road network. The most widespread applications of these models are referred to accident management, route guidance problems (possibility of evaluating control strategies in real time), adaptive control of traffic-light and ramp metering (management and control of the ramps and flow). To accomplish this goal observational data of vehicles’ kinematic characteristics have to be acquired. These elements are not always easily available. In scienti…
Gap acceptance analysis in an urban intersection through a video acquired by an UAV
Purpose of this paper is to apply a methodology previously developed to achieve an accurate measurements of the real traffic condition thought the use of a video acquired by an UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and a probe vehicle equipped with a differential GPS. The used methodology is not invasive and thus, it doesn't influence the driver behavior. The used equipment must not be compared to the traditional techniques of traffic flow but it can be used for particular situations in which the installation of fixed detectors is not economic. In particular, we have analyzed the gap acceptance for an urban intersection between a main road with dual carriageway and two lanes in one direction, that …
Traffic data acquirement by unmanned aerial vehicle
This paper presents a methodology aimed to acquire traffic flow data through the employment of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The study is focused on the determination of driving behavior parameters of road users and on the reconstruction of traffic flow Origin/Destination matrix. The methodology integrates UAV flights with video image processing technique, and the capability of geographic information systems, to represent spatiotemporal phenomena. In particular, analyzing different intersections, the attention of the authors is focused on users’ gap acceptance in a naturalistic drivers’ behavior condition (drivers are not influenced by the presence of instruments and operators on the roa…
Geomatica e Microsimulazione. Una metodologia integrata per l’analisi di un’intersezione stradale urbana
The GIS-WEB application for a better knowledge of the road accident characteristics. A study on pedestrian and vehicular mobility safety
Il coinvolgimento dei giovani negli incidenti stradali: il trattamento dei dati attraverso un Web-GIS
Pathways and pedestrian crossings: indicators of quality and safety
Pedestrian mobility can be considered an important feature in a new model of town organization. Enhancing pedestrian mobility could bring new life and activities in the old and historic parts of the town reviving their original identities. The planning of new quarters is often performed considering a wide use of private cars, this resulting in urban highways and long and winding local roads hindering pedestrian mobility and safe-ty. Town social features and mobility purpose, related to pedestrian age, are important elements to define the Pedestrian Safety Indicators. Using a GIS software, an evaluation of risk was carried out along a main urban road in order to study and develop measures to…
Infrastructure, Tariff and Legal Action: How to Achieve a Climate-Friendly Transport System
Transportation absorbs about 70% of oil consumption in EU countries. The fuels that burn in the field of transport are composed of 96% of oil. Energy efficiency of road and air traffic must also be improved. But transport environmental impacts reductions should be made necessarily through a transfer of traffic from the car, lorries and aircraft to train, ship, and non motorized two-wheelers into the EU cities. In fact the former are large producers of greenhouse gases, while the latter are more environmentally friendly means of transport in climate. Reaching an annual increase of 1% of the modal split in favour of more sustainable means of transport on the environment must be set as a goal …
Urban Traffic Analysis through an UAV
Abstract In order to realize a precise and accurate traffic study, a method to evaluate the real traffic flow conditions in urban areas based on videos acquired by an UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, is proposed. In this way it does not require additional equipment to earth and, not being invasive, does not influence the driver behavior. This paper presents the results obtained in terms of vehicular traffic flow along a way in the city of Palermo. The results have been compared to experiments using macroscopic simulation models and the eventually differences have been discussed.
Dall'architettura tecnica alla pianificazione del traffico
Le ferrovie strumento per una mobilità sostenibile nell'a.m. di Palermo
The accessibility of public urban spaces: walkability and ergonomic aspects
Pedestrians can be ergonomically considered as workers into the socio-technical system of public urban space. Pedestrian targets can be defined as operations: the accessibility to a place characterized by services, commercial activities, enjoyment of leisure. Public space is a "universal" tool (differently from the ergonomic one), but it serves different user categories and enables different targets (movement, parking, social integration, etc..). The organization of public space should basically allow to perform users’ activities, but it has often been divided into a spatial and thematic compartments. From the twentieth century it was subservient to the dominion of the car, which strongly i…
Metodologie per la valutazione dell’accessibilità al trasporto pubblico urbano
Le aree a domanda debole di trasporto: un metodo per la loro individuazione
Integrazione modale e informazione all'utenza: GIS e trasporti metropolitani
A methodology to improve public transport system
The quality of pedestrian routes of access to public transport system (PTS) is an important aspect for the choice of transport mode, that can be evaluated also using some indicators as accessibility, comfort, frequency, etc... The policies for urban sustainable mobility must reflect the design and management of mass transit systems, but also the judgment of users in term of quality and perception of PTS. The purpose is reassess slow mobility encouraging the intermodal mobility between pedestrian and public transport. So the walking can be considered as alternative mode of urban transport and a moment of break from the chaos of modern life. It’s role should be considered as an important elem…
The role of heavy vehicles in road safety: Technical improvements and training of professional drivers in EU activities
This paper proposes an analysis of initiatives and measures that the EU has developed, both in terms of research and normative, in order to improve the safety of freight vehicles. The actions undertaken by the EU under the program for road safety, with particular attention to the road freight sector, the more representative, are the following: - Improving the visibility of heavy duty vehicles (HDV), - The elimination of points with poor visibility from the HDV, - Evaluation of measures to reduce accidents related to tires condition, - The standardization and improvement of initial and continuing training of professional drivers. The classification of defects which are considered to have ser…
Road safety for the elder pedestrian in urban contexts - L'insicurezza per i pedoni anziani in ambito urbano
Accidents involving elderly pedestrians are an important statistics on accidents due to vehicular traffic. So many researches investigated loss of safety of the elderly. The transition from work to quiescence period changes individuals’ lives and their concept of mobility, but car use is still prevalent during some years. Then the elderly significantly change their way of moving, preferring to walking. Over the years they become more and more fragile and they see the decline of their physical, sensory and cognitive faculties, so their safety has to lead urban Administrations to find practical solutions to improve movement and comfort of these urban users. This study aims to explore possible…
Percorsi pedonali e attraversamenti stradali: elementi per lo studio della qualità e della sicurezza
Indicators for sustainable mobility in the cities
The creation of a sustainable transport system is the main objective of European transport policy. This system should encourage facilities to connect all people and should be linked with economic, social and environmental aspects of society. Current trends and future challenges will meet a growing "accessibility" demand, highlighting concerns about the sustainability of transport. Therefore one of the priorities of transport policy is the improving of overall quality of transport, including aspects related to: personal safety, accidents and health hazards reduction, protection of passengers rights and of accessibility to remote areas. This paper is dedicated to sustainable development, with…
L'utilizzo di sistemi di posizionamento GPS per la determinazione di curve di deflusso in ambito urbano
Analisi parametrica del trasporto collettivo urbano nelle città siciliane
Localizzazione ottimale degli stalli per il parcheggio delle biciclette: il caso studio della città di Palermo - Optimal location for bike parking lots: the case study of the old town in Palermo
The lack of parking spaces for bicycles is one of the main issues that many cities face. A proper planning of a bike station network is necessary in order to optimize the whole urban system and the transport supply. In this work a step-by-step analysis is proposed to find the best location for the bicycle lots in the old town of Palermo. The optimization method includes the use of both a Set Covering Model and a Maximum Coverage Location Problem. The dataset for the simulations was collected by direct and indirect surveys on the population and implemented into Open source GIS software. In particular, data on the destinations, times and distances covered by the bicycles’ users were included.…