Bernadí Gelabert
Las costas rocosas del Migjorn de Menorca: acantilados y calas
[spa]La zona meridional de Menorca (Migjorn) se caracteriza por ser una plataforma carbonatada desarrollada en un ambiente arrecifal durante el Mioceno superior. Está surcada por una serie de cursos torrenciales fuertemente encajados que en su desembocadura al mar dan lugar a una forma de bahía denominada “cala” que está delimitada por paredes de elevada pendiente. La fracturación y la diaclasación penetrativa que afecta a la alternancia de materiales calcareníticos y calcisiltiticos miocenos, junto con la distribución de éstos, es el principal factor que condiciona el trazado de los cursos fluviales, así como el desarrollo de los procesos de tipo kárstico asociados a la circulaci…
Structural control on the presence and character of calas: Observations from Balearic Islands limestones rock coast macroforms
Calas are characteristic embayed rocky coastline landforms related to steep-sided drowned valleys that were deeply incised during low sea-level stages into carbonate plateaus. This paper studies the factors that control the presence and character of calas in three different islands of the Balearic Archipelago (Mallorca, Menorca and Formentera) by means of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) reconstructions, embayment and catchment morphometric analysis and through the compilation of fault and joint orientations. All islands exhibit emerged carbonate platforms (Upper Miocene in age) characterised by horizontal or very gently-dipping bedding. Two distinct patterns observed at all study sites are th…
Karst, acantilados y calas en el Migjorn de Menorca
[spa]La costa sur de la isla de Menorca se caracteriza por la presencia, de forma más o menos continua, de acantilados verticales cortados en los depósitos carbonatados que constituyen una plataforma atribuida al Mioceno superior. Los acantilados se encuentran interrumpidos en la zona litoral por una marcada incisión producida por los barrancos que drenan toda la plataforma miocena del sur de la isla y que, en su desembocadura al mar, dan lugar a las denominadas calas. La forma de éstas viene controlada no tan sólo por la fracturación, que a su vez controla la red de drenaje, sino que también por la contribución de los procesos kársticos que están directamente relacionados con la …
Morphometric indices as indicators of tectonic, fluvial and karst processes in calcareous drainage basins, South Menorca Island, Spain
This study proposes using morphometric indices to discriminate the processes that shape calcareous drainage basins. To illustrate this, a DEM of the southern part of Menorca Island (Migjorn) was created and basin slope, drainage density, hypsometric curve and integral, and the area occupied by open and closed dolines were extracted from it. These indices show an important dependence on tectonics, which govern the morphology of these drainage basins and encourage the predominance of karst and/or fluvial processes in the different sectors. The morphometric indices are clearly influenced by the geological Migjorn structure, a carbonate Upper Miocene reef platform gently folded as an asymmetric…
Structurally controlled drainage basin development in the south of Menorca (Western Mediterranean, Spain)
Abstract The south of Menorca consists of a gently folded Upper Miocene carbonate platform over which a drainage system has developed. Three areas with different drainage characteristics have been delimited: the central area, the eastern area and the western area. The central area is characterised by deep streams with steep slopes, whereas the western and eastern areas have slightly incised streams with gentle slopes. The drainage development has been controlled by the inversion of a normal fault in Pliocene times, resulting in a wide anticline with a NNE–SSW orientation. The deep streams of the central area follow the faults associated with this anticline. The amount of incision achieved b…