F Palumbo
Innovazione e Imprenditorialità. Il ruolo degli spin-off universitari.
Oggi il ruolo delle Università non si limita più soltanto alle tradizionali attività di formazione e di ricerca. La cosiddetta Seconda Rivoluzione Accademica ha attribuito alle Università una "terza missione", che consiste nella valorizzazione e commercializzazione della conoscenza accedemica sul mercato. L'Università diviene così "entrepreneurial university" creando valore non solo in termini di conoscenza ma anche di innovazione e sviluppo economico. Il libro intende approfondire il ruolo che le Università rivestono nel processo di trasferimento di conoscenza innovativa al mercato tramite la costituzione di imprese spin-off. Viene evidenziato come, attraverso il supporto di apposite strut…
The Incubation Process for the Creation of Viable Firms: The Case of ARCA Consortium
Purpose of the study. The process of creation of new firms is particularly complex when it starts from very innovative ideas that may be not understood by the stakeholders of the firm. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that academic incubators play a key role for firms’ viability. Methodology. We analyze the effectiveness of the incubation process that takes place in the incubator of Consorzio Arca, by means of a single case study with embedded design. Findings. The effectiveness of the incubation process is demonstrated by the high number of spin-offs that, after incubation, are able to stand alone in the market and to find the consonance with the relevant supra-systems. Research lim…
Academic Spin-Offs and Technological Innovation Diffusion In Less Successful Areas: A Viable System Approach
This paper aims to analyze the role that academic spin offs play in enhancing and speeding up the development and transfer of technological innovation, particularly in less successful areas. The focus on todays’ knowledge-based economy, has increasingly shown that innovation is a social process (Gibbons et al, 1994; Chesbrough, 2003 and 2011) rooted on the interactions and knowledge exchanges among a variety of actors (such as firms, universities, research organizations, government institutions, and so on). Each of these actors is endowed with idiosyncratic and specialized sets of resources, knowledge and capabilities. As a result, the critical determinants of competitive/innovative advanta…
Designing a mobile app for museums according to the drivers of visitor satisfaction
The aim of this study is to identify the key factors as antecedents of visitor satisfaction for the design of a mobile app for museums. To our aim we use the Kano model that allows to categorize service attributes according to how they are perceived by customers and to estimate their impact on customer satisfaction. We collected qualitative data trough 300 questionnaires administered to tourists visiting the Sicilian cities of Palermo and Trapani over a period of 3 months (October- December 2012). The results of our analysis can be relevant for museum and public managers to plan strategic and operative activities, for researcher in the field of touristic marketing, for application developer…