Avigdor Rutenberg
Spatial response spectra and site amplification effects
A simplified analysis of local site amplification effects on the seismic response of multi-support structures is presented. The site effects are modeled by considering reflections and transmission of vertically propagating shear waves from bedrock to the surface through a soil layer. A random vibration-based response spectrum of a simple oscillator on two supports, one of which is founded on rock outcrop and the other on soil layer, is formulated in order to study the influence of non-uniform excitations on multi-support structures. Joint inertial and pseudo-static effects in the overall response are studied in detail. The resulting response spectra are formulated as displacement and force …
On the sensitivity of bridge seismic response with local soil amplification
The paper presents a numerical sensitivity study of the local site effects on structural response. Following a recently developed model of spatial coherency and a concept of a simple site coefficient the local site effects are modelled as filtrations of excitation processes with a frequency shift. An analysis of a bridge response with supports founded on different soils is carried out. The joint effects of dynamic response and pseudostatic motion are considered. Two types of response are analysed: longitudinal and transverse. The differences between dynamic displacements and force responses are pointed out.