Sebastián Márquez

Web accessibility for visual disabled: An expert evaluation of the Inclusite® solution

This study analyzes web accessibility problems for people with visual disability and presents the results of testing a prototype of Inclusite® system, an access solution designed to facilitate web navigation for people with visual disability, consisting of a navigation interface through keyboard and speech synthesis. An expert typhlotechnologist conducts a navigation test in three sessions evaluating the prototype positively and suggesting aspects for improvement. The interface provides web access as a service, the access solution is hosted in the website, so that the user can perform navigation using a different computer (not the own) which does not have his usual technical aids, helping t…

research product

Web access for people with visual disability

This paper addresses the evaluation of a prototype of the Inclusite® solution, designed to enable web accessibility for visual disabled people. The interface provides the help from the Web and avoids users' dependence on software and devices normally used by them. An expert in typhlotechnology makes usability tests of Inclusite® interface, consisting of keyboard navigation combined with voice synthesis (synthesis of voice reads to the user the selections made from the keyboard). The evaluation of the initiative is very positive as it will contribute to reduction of costs by the users, not needing to purchase specific software, as well as reducing their dependence on the use of their own equ…

research product

Evaluation of web browsing experience by people with cognitive disability

After a review of research in last 10 years we have seen the low output of work on the usability of the web, with respect to users with cognitive disabilities. This time we intend to explore the problems faced with mild or moderate intellectual disabilities when using the World Wide Web. We conducted a study to assess the Web site navigation experience using the Usability Lab of Access Research Unit, University of Valencia, where we recorded and analyzed the Web-user interaction using the technique of Thought Manifesto and Interview, from a qualitative methodological approach, to thereby detect the problems they have when surfing the Web sites for people with cognitive deficits.

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Inventario y descripción de las soluciones de accesibilidad a la web existentes para personas con discapacidad fisica y sensorial

El elemento más representativo de la nueva sociedad de la información lo constituye sin duda la World Wide Web. La Red, como es conocida popularmente, une a millones de ordenadores en todo el mundo, aportando una riqueza de información inimaginable hace pocos años y un interfaz de uso tan gráfico e intuitivo que ha significado una expansión permanente de su uso a millones de usuarios nuevos cada año. La accesibilidad Web se puede definir como la posibilidad de que un producto o servicio Web sea usado por el mayor número posible de personas, independientemente de las limitaciones del individuo o de las del contexto de uso. De acuerdo con el Tratado de Amsterdam de la Unión Europea, en aplica…

research product

Usability remote evaluation: METBA system

Usability as well as accessibility is a key aspect in development of human-computer interaction. This paper presents the basis of usability evaluation methodology and reviews the methodology used in empirical studies of usability evaluation for disabled people. Finally, we present a solution (METBA) as a system for managing the information related to evaluation of human behavioral observation contents that is used for the registration and management of the information derived from remote usability evaluation which complements the methodology commonly used in this research area.

research product

Analysis of research on web usability for people with cognitive disability from 2002 to 2011

We present a review of research over the last decade on web usability for people with cognitive disabilities. Our aim is to know current status on the issue of usability in relation to people with cognitive disabilities to consider the issues they present and future solutions. We proceeded to perform a review in specialized databases of different scientific disciplines. We describe the results and we discuss empirical studies which evaluated usability of websites for people with cognitive disabilities. Conclusions and future lines are presented.

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