Detection of three rare (G377S, T134P and 1451delAC), and two novel mutations (G195W and Rec[1263del55;1342G>C] in Spanish Gaucher disease patients
To study glucocerebrosidase mutations causing Gaucher disease, we have screened 30 apparently unrelated patients for the presence of 7 previous described mutations. N370S (1226A>G) was the most common mutation (43%), followed by L444P (1448T>C) (23%). To identify the other unknown mutations, we screened regions of the glucocerebrosidase gene (GBA), by SSCP and sequencing. These analyses allowed identification of one novel G195W (700G>T), and two rare T134P (517A>C) and G377S (1246G>A) missense mutations. Mutation T134P (517A>C) was present in a type I patient, while G195W (700G>T), was encountered in two patients (types I, and III). The prevalence of mutation G377S (1246G>A), previously und…