W. Zimmermann

Chronisches thromboembolisches Cor pulmonale bei schrittmacherassoziierten rechtsatrialen Thromben: Pulmonale Thrombendarteriektomie mit Elektrodenentfernung als lebensrettende Maßnahme

Life-threatening chronic cor pulmonale occurred in a 22-year-old woman with congenital 3 degrees atrioventricular block, 6 years after implantation of a pacemaker and 3 1/2 years after removal of the pacemaker (the electrodes were too firmly attached to be removed). The emboli originated from the right-atrial thrombi which had formed around the electrodes left in situ. The embolic source shrank during systemic administration of urokinase, initially 600,000 IU in 60 min, then 100,000 IU per hour, and pulmonary perfusion improved transiently. Nonetheless the patient became breathless on the slightest physical exertion. Recurrent syncopal attacks with marked increase of pulmonary artery pressu…

research product

Comments on surface structure analysis by water and nitrogen adsorption

Specific surface area and pore size distribution are determined usually from adsorption isotherms at low temperatures using nitrogen or noble gases. These are not absolute parameters and the measuring methods are fraught with serious difficulties. General problems of sorption measurements and recent developments are discussed. To obtain information for practical purposes these measurements need to be supplemented by investigations of the sorbate/sorbent system used in practice. Results of the measurement of nitrogen and water vapour adsorption on different materials are compared.

research product

A mother-child combination analysis for AB0-Hp interaction

Tests for interaction between AB0 and Hp were performed in 1824 mother-child pairs. There was no significant difference in the Hp distribution between mothers and children. When the children were divided into AB0-compatible and AB0-incompatible with their mothers there was an excess of the Hp1 gene in the incompatible group. The results are discussed.

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