A finite size scaling study of the five-dimensional Ising model
For systems above the marginal dimension d*, where mean field theory starts to become valid, such as Ising models in d = 5 for which d* = 4, hyperscaling is invalid and hence it was suggested that finite size scaling is not ruled by the correlation length ξ (∝ |t| −1/2 in Landau theory, t being the distance from the critical point) but by a “thermodynamic length” l (∝ |t| −2/d). Early simulation work by Binder et al. using nearest neighbor hypercubic L5 lattices with L ⩽ 7 yielded some evidence for this prediction, but the renormalized coupling constant gL = −3 + 〈M4〉/〈M2〉2 at Tc was gL ≈ −1.0 instead of the prediction of Brezin and Zinn-Justin, gL(Tc) = −3 + Γ4(1/4)/(8 π2) ≈ −0.812. In the…