Stefan Schrittwieser
Plasmonic-assisted Mach-Zehnder Interferometric photonic sensor using aluminum waveguides
We demonstrate a CMOS compatible interferometric plasmo-photonic sensor exploiting SisN4 photonic and aluminum (Al) plasmonic stripe waveguides. Experimental evaluation revealed bulk sensitivity of 4764 nm/RIU, holding promise for ultra-sensitive and low cost sensing devices.
Ultra-sensitive refractive index sensor using CMOS plasmonic transducers on silicon photonic interferometric platform
Optical refractive-index sensors exploiting selective co-integration of plasmonics with silicon photonics has emerged as an attractive technology for biosensing applications that can unleash unprecedented performance breakthroughs that reaps the benefits of both technologies. However, towards this direction, a major challenge remains their integration using exclusively CMOS-compatible materials. In this context, herein, we demonstrate, for the first time to our knowledge, a CMOS-compatible plasmo-photonic Mach-Zehnder-interferometer (MZI) based on aluminum and Si3N4 waveguides, exhibiting record-high bulk sensitivity of 4764 nm/RIU with clear potential to scale up the bulk sensitivity value…