Francesco Brunetti
Emergency abdominal surgery after solid organ transplantation: a systematic review
Aims: Due to the increasing number of solid organs transplantations, emergency abdominal surgery in transplanted patients is becoming a relevant challenge for the general surgeon. The aim of this systematic review of the literature is to analyze morbidity and mortality of emergency abdominal surgery performed in transplanted patients for graft-unrelated surgical problems. Methods: The literature search was performed on online databases with the time limit 1990–2015. Studies describing all types of emergency abdominal surgery in solid organ transplanted patients were retrieved for evaluation. Results: Thirty-nine case series published between 1996 and 2015 met the inclusion criteria and were…
Robotic Versus Laparoscopic Gastric Resection for Primary Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors5 cm: A Size-Matched and Location-Matched Comparison.
This study compared robotic (RR) and laparoscopic resection (LR) for primary gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) of the stomach >5 cm. Twelve consecutive patients who underwent RR from 2012 to 2015 were matched for tumor size and location with 24 patients who underwent LR from 2000 to 2012. The median tumor size was 7.1 cm (range, 5.5 to 11.5). GISTs were resected by wedge resection (91.7%) or distal gastrectomy. The median RR operative time was longer than that of LR (162.5 vs. 130 min, respectively; P=0.004). Only 1 LR patient required conversion. The time to flatus and hospital stay were similar between groups. Overall, 3 patients developed minor postoperative complications that w…
Emergency Colorectal Surgery Checklist and Technical Considerations
A surgical checklist is a step-by-step control procedure carried on for checking through the most delicate phases of the perioperative period, in order to increase surgical patient’s safety and avoid preventable complications. The checklist implementation within operating rooms have proved to be effective in reducing morbidity and mortality rates significantly, without being costly and lengthy. These results have been confirmed also in emergency surgery, which represents in itself a cause of higher risks for patients. Thus, the checklist use has rapidly spread out all over the world. The mechanism responsible for the improvement of surgical outcomes is not completely clear, partly due to am…
What is the best surgical option for the resection of transverse colon cancer?
Transverse colon is an infrequent localization of colon cancer and it is burdened by a poor prognosis. The principle of oncological radicality includes primary tumor resection with adequate lymphadenectomy. To date, there is still no consensus on which type of surgical resection perform in case of transverse colon cancer (TCC). Lymphatic drainage and vascularization of this section of the colon is highly variable presenting with different anatomical variants. Moreover, mobilization of the transverse colon can be particularly challenging in comparison to other colon tracts. Despite a lack of standardized definitions, three main surgical options are proposed: segmental colectomy of the transv…
Incidence and predictors of portal and splenic vein thrombosis after pure laparoscopic splenectomy.
Background. Optimal modalities for diagnosis, treatment, and surveillance of portal or splenic vein thrombosis have not yet been defined. The present retrospective study aimed to investigate the role of computed tomography performed systematically before and after laparoscopic splenectomy to assess the incidence of portal or splenic vein thrombosis, predictors, and outcomes. Methods. Computed tomography scans were obtained from 170 patients undergoing elective laparoscopic splenectomy between 2005 and 2015. Pre- and postoperative splenic vein diameter was measured at the splenoportal junction and at a distance of 2, 4, 6 cm from it. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to identify…
2017 WSES guidelines for the management of iatrogenic colonoscopy perforation
Abstract Iatrogenic colonoscopy perforation (ICP) is a severe complication that can occur during both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Although 45–60% of ICPs are diagnosed by the endoscopist while performing the colonoscopy, many ICPs are not immediately recognized but are instead suspected on the basis of clinical signs and symptoms that occur after the endoscopic procedure. There are three main therapeutic options for ICPs: endoscopic repair, conservative therapy, and surgery. The therapeutic approach must vary based on the setting of the diagnosis (intra- or post-colonoscopy), the type of ICP, the characteristics and general status of the patient, the operator’s level of experienc…
Comparison of Different Nodal Staging in Patients With Locally Advanced Mid-low Rectal Cancer After Long-term Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy.
Background/Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the ability of different lymph nodal staging systems to predict cancer recurrence in a multicenter European series of patients who underwent proctectomy after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer. Patients and Methods: Data on 170 consecutive patients undergoing proctectomy after neoadjuvant therapy for cT3-4 or cN+ rectal adenocarcinoma were retrieved from the European MRI and Rectal Cancer Surgery database. The prognostic role of the number of retrieved and examined nodes, nodal ratio, and log odds of positive lymph nodes (LODDS) was analyzed and compared by receiver operating characteristic curves, Pearson t…
Educational value of surgical videos on YouTube: quality assessment of laparoscopic appendectomy videos by senior surgeons vs. novice trainees
Background To prepare for surgery, surgeons often recur to surgical videos, with YouTube being reported as the preferred source. This study aimed to compare the evaluation of three surgical trainees and three senior surgeons of the 25 most viewed laparoscopic appendectomy videos listed on YouTube. Additionally, we assessed the video conformity to the published guidelines on how to report laparoscopic surgery videos (LAP-VEGaS). Methods Based on the number of visualization, the 25 most viewed videos on laparoscopic appendectomy uploaded on YouTube between 2010 and 2018 were selected. Videos were evaluated on the surgical technical performance (GOALS score), critical view of safety (CVS), and…
Perioperative FOLFOX 4 Versus FOLFOX 4 Plus Cetuximab Versus Immediate Surgery for High-Risk Stage II and III Colon Cancers: A Phase II Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial (PRODIGE 22).
BACKGROUND Perioperative chemotherapy has proven valuable in several tumors, but not in colon cancer (CC). OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of perioperative chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced nonmetastatic CC. METHODS This is a French multicenter randomized phase II trial in patients with resectable high-risk T3, T4, and/or N2 CC on baseline computed tomography (CT) scan. Patients were randomized to receive either 6 months of adjuvant FOLFOX after colectomy (control) or perioperative FOLFOX for 4 cycles before surgery and 8 cycles after (FOLFOX peri-op). In RAS wild-type patients, a third arm testing perioperative FOLFOX-cetuximab was added…
Robotic transanal surgery: perspectives for application
Transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) is a surgical technique which allows the local excision of rectal benign tumors and early stage cancers measuring up to 4 cm and lying within 6-8 cm from the anal verge. It is performed by means of a disposable transanal platform and conventional laparoscopic instruments, proving to be effective and easily available. Hence, TAMIS soon became a valid alternative to other transanal resective procedures, especially transanal endoscopic microsurgery, and rapidly spread. Moreover, soon after its introduction, TAMIS started to be performed also using robotic technologies, but no clear advantages were found to date. This review is intended to provide a …
Does neoadjuvant FOLFOX chemotherapy improve the prognosis of high‐risk Stage II and III colon cancers? Three years' follow‐up results of the PRODIGE 22 phase II randomized multicentre trial
International audience; Aim Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has proven valuable in locally advanced resectable colon cancer (CC) but its effect on oncological outcomes is uncertain. The aim of the present paper was to report 3-year oncological outcomes, representing the secondary endpoints of the PRODIGE 22 trial. Method PRODIGE 22 was a randomized multicentre phase II trial in high-risk T3, T4 and/or N2 CC patients on CT scan. Patients were randomized between 6 months of adjuvant FOLFOX (upfront surgery) or perioperative FOLFOX (four cycles before surgery and eight cycles after; FOLFOX perioperative). In wild-type RAS patients, a third arm testing perioperative FOLFOX-cetuximab was added. The pri…
Impact of conversion from laparoscopy to open surgery in patients with right colon cancer
Conversion to open surgery is reported in up to 20 per cent of laparoscopic colectomies for cancer. This study aims to compare postoperative outcomes and survival between converted and successful laparoscopic right colectomy for cancer. Records of patients who underwent laparoscopic right colectomy for cancer between 2005 and 2015 were retrieved from the CLermontFerrand Ircad Mondor Hopital European Tours (CLIMHET) database. Perioperative, postoperative, and survival outcomes were evaluated. Multivariate analysis was performed to identify predictive factors for conversion. Overall, 445 patients underwent a successfully completed laparoscopic right colectomy and 28 (5.9%) were converted to …
Laparoscopic versus robotic right colectomy with extra-corporeal or intra-corporeal anastomosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Purpose: The aim of the present systematic review and meta-analysis is to compare laparoscopic right colectomy (LRC) versus robotic right colectomy (RRC) using homogeneous subgroup analyses for extra-corporeal anastomosis (EA) and intra-corporeal anastomosis (IA). Methods: MEDLINE, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were searched up to April 2020 for prospective or retrospective studies comparing LRC versus RRC on at least one short- or long-term outcome. The primary outcome was the length of hospital stay (LOS). The secondary outcomes included operative and pathological results, survival, and total costs. LRC and RRC were compared using three homogeneous subgroups: without distinction by…
Additional file 1: of Educational value of surgical videos on YouTube: quality assessment of laparoscopic appendectomy videos by senior surgeons vs. novice trainees
Table S1. Conformity to the 37 items of the LAP-VEGaS guidelines. (DOCX 172 kb)
Solitary splenic metastasis from nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a case report and systematic review of the literature
Background: Solitary splenic metastases are a rare occurrence, and the nasopharyngeal carcinoma represents one of the most uncommon primary sources. The present study aimed to describe a rare case of a solitary single splenic metastasis from nasopharyngeal carcinoma and to assess the number of cases of isolated nasopharyngeal carcinoma metastases to the spleen reported in the literature. Main body: We describe the case of a 56-year-old man with a history of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and complete remission after chemo-radiotherapy. Three months after complete remission, positron emission tomography/ computed tomography scan revealed a hypermetabolic splenic lesion without increased metabolic …