Ryo Sugawara

CubeHarmonic: A new musical instrument based on Rubik{'}s cube with embedded motion sensor

A contemporary challenge involves scientific education and the connection between new technologies and the heritage of the past. CubeHarmonic (CH) joins novelty and tradition, creativity and edu- cation, science and art. It takes shape as a novel musical instrument where magnetic 3D motion tracking technology meets musical per- formance and composition. CH is a Rubik’s cube with a note on each facet, and a chord or chord sequence on each face. The posi- tion of each facet is detected through magnetic 3D motion tracking. While scrambling the cube, the performer gets new chords and new chord sequences. CH can be used to compose, improvise,1 and teach music and mathematics (group theory, permu…

research product

CubeHarmonic: A New Interface from a Magnetic 3D Motion Tracking System to Music Performance

We developed a new musical interface, CubeHarmonic, with the magnetic 3D motion tracking system IM3D. This sys- tem precisely tracks positions of tiny, wireless, battery-less, and identifiable markers (LC coils) in real time. The Cube- Harmonic is a musical application of the Rubik’s cube, with notes on each little piece. Scrambling the cube, we get dif- ferent chords and chord sequences. Positions of the pieces which contain LC coils are detected through IM3D, and transmitted to the computer to recognize the status of the Rubik’s cube, that plays sounds. The central position of the cube is also measured by the LC coils located into the corners of Rubik’s cube, and, depending on the positio…

research product