An anorogenic pulse in a typical orogenic setting: The geochemical and geochronological record in the East Serbian latest Cretaceous to Palaeocene alkaline rocks
Abstract This study focuses on the East Serbian latest Cretaceous to Palaeocene Mafic Alkaline Rocks (hereafter, ES-MAR). This alkaline magmatism developed along the Eurasian border after the closure of the Mesozoic Tethys in the Balkan sector. Olivine(± clinopyroxene)-phyric and olivine- and nepheline-normative basanite, tephrite and theralite rocks are studied using Ar/Ar ages and major elements, trace elements and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes. The ES-MAR are geochemically similar to other alkaline rocks of the Circum-Mediterranean Anorogenic Cenozoic Igneous (CiMACI) province, showing elevated contents of high field strength elements (HFSE) (e.g., Nb = 50–100 ppm) and high HFSE/LILE (large ion lith…