Volker Wenzel
Topological and Central Trigger Processor for 2014 LHC luminosities
The ATLAS experiment is located at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland. It is designed to observe phenomena that involve highly massive particles produced in the collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC): the world’s largest and highest-energy particle accelerator. Event triggering and Data Acquisition is one of the extraordinary challenges faced by the detectors at the high luminosity LHC collider. During 2011, the LHC reached instantaneous luminosities of 4 10^33 cm−1 s−1 and produced events with up to 24 interactions per colliding proton bunch. This places stringent operational and physical requirements on the ATLAS Trigger in order to reduce the 40MHz coll…
An FPGA based demonstrator for a topological processor in the future ATLAS L1-Calo trigger “GOLD”
Abstract: The existing ATLAS trigger consists of three levels. The level 1 (L1) is an FPGAs based custom designed trigger, while the second and third levels are software based. The LHC machine plans to bring the beam energy to the maximum value of 7 TeV and to increase the luminosity in the coming years. The current L1 trigger system is therefore seriously challenged. To cope with the resulting higher event rate, as part of the ATLAS trigger upgrade, a new electronics module is foreseen to be added in the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger electronics chain: the Topological Processor (TP). Such a processor needs fast optical I/O and large aggregate bandwidth to use the information on trigger…
An FPGA based Topological Processor Prototype for the ATLAS Level-1 Trigger Upgrade
By 2014 the LHC will collide proton bunches at 14TeV with an increased instantaneous luminosity up to 3·10³⁴cm⁻²s⁻¹. The resulting higher event rate will challenge the existing ATLAS trigger system. A reduction on the trigger rate can be achieved by selecting interesting channels based on their expected decay topology and thus reducing background. This will be achieved by introducing of a new FPGA based module in the Level-1 trigger: the Topological Processor L1Topo. With L1Topo it will be possible for the first time to concentrate detailed information from the entire calorimeters and the muon detector into a single module. L1Topo will receive a total aggregate bandwidth of 1Tb/s. The data …
Use of an inspiratory impedance threshold valve during chest compressions without assisted ventilation may result in hypoxaemia
Although the concept of intermittent airway occlusion with the inspiratory impedance threshold valve (ITV) is a well-recognised strategy for improving efficiency of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), little is known about possible pulmonary side effects.After a baseline chest CT-scan, 24 pigs with beating hearts undergoing apnoeic oxygenation received an injection of a contrast medium and were then assigned randomly to either active compression-decompression CPR with ITV (ACD ITV CPR), ACD CPR alone, or standard-CPR with ITV (standard-ITV CPR), or standard-CPR alone. After a maximum of 5 min of chest compressions or if oxygen saturation dropped below 70%, the experiment was stopped, haemo…
Vasopressin oder Adrenalin bei präklinischem Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand
Da eine Reihe von Untersuchungen nicht zeigen konnte, das Adrenalin mit einem Uberleben bei der Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung (HLW) korreliert, erscheint die Untersuchung eines alternativen Vasopressors bei der HLW sinnvoll. Die uber Vasopressin bekannten Daten aus experimentellen und klinischen Studien deuten darauf hin, das der Einsatz von Vasopressin der Therapie eines Kreislaufstillstandes mit Adrenalin uberlegen sein konnte. Eine europaische Multizenter-Studie unter der Schirmherrschaft des European Resuscitation Council (ERC) soll zeigen, ob Vasopressin dem herkommlichen Medikament Adrenalin bei der praklinischen HLW uberlegen ist.
Recommended practice for out-of-hospital emergency anaesthesia in adults: Statement from the Out-of-Hospital Emergency Anaesthesia Working Group of the Emergency Medicine Research Group of the German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care.
Emergency anaesthesia is an important therapeutic measure in out-of-hospital emergency medicine. The associated risks are considerably higher than those of in-hospital anaesthesia. The primary objectives of emergency anaesthesia are hypnosis, analgesia, oxygenation and ventilation through airway management. The secondary objectives of emergency anaesthesia are amnesia, anxiolysis, the reduction of oxygen consumption and respiratory work, the protection of vital organs and the avoidance of secondary myocardial and cerebral damage. A critical evaluation of the indications for outof- hospital emergency anaesthesia must take into consideration patient, case and provider-related factors. Rapid s…