Anne Giraut
VESTIGE: Adjuvant Immunotherapy in Patients With Resected Esophageal, Gastroesophageal Junction and Gastric Cancer Following Preoperative Chemotherapy With High Risk for Recurrence (N+ and/or R1): An Open Label Randomized Controlled Phase-2-Study
Background: Perioperative chemotherapy plus surgery is one recommended standard treatment for patients with resectable gastric and esophageal cancer. Even with a multimodality treatment more than half of patients will relapse following surgical resection. Patients who have a poor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and have an incomplete (R1) resection or have metastatic lymph nodes in the resection specimen (N+) are especially at risk of recurrence. Current clinical practice is to continue with the same chemotherapy in the adjuvant setting as before surgery. In the phase II randomized EORTC VESTIGE trial (NCT03443856), patients with high risk resected gastric or esophageal adenocarcinoma …
EORTC 1707 VESTIGE: Adjuvant immunotherapy in patients with resected gastric cancer following preoperative chemotherapy with high risk for recurrence (ypN+ and/or R1)—An open-label randomized controlled phase II study.
TPS4156 Background: Gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma (GEA) patients with metastatic lymph nodes (ypN+) or a microscopically incomplete surgical resection (R1) following neoadjuvant chemotherapy are at high risk of disease recurrence. Current practice is to continue with the same perioperative chemotherapy used prior to surgery, despite these suboptimal outcomes. Adjuvant immunotherapy with nivolumab has shown efficacy in poor risk GEA patients following chemoradiotherapy and surgery in the CheckMate 577 trial, and nivolumab and ipilimumab have demonstrated activity in advanced GEA. We hypothesise that high risk (ypN+ and/or R1) post resection GEA patients who are treated with nivolumab and …