Ruben Fernandez-beltran
Sentinel-3/FLEX Biophysical Product Confidence Using Sentinel-2 Land-Cover Spatial Distributions
The estimation of biophysical variables from remote sensing data raises important challenges in terms of the acquisition technology and its limitations. In this way, some vegetation parameters, such as chlorophyll fluorescence, require sensors with a high spectral resolution that constrains the spatial resolution while significantly increasing the subpixel land-cover heterogeneity. Precisely, this spatial variability often makes that rather different canopy structures are aggregated together, which eventually generates important deviations in the corresponding parameter quantification. In the context of the Copernicus program (and other related Earth Explorer missions), this article propose…
Fundamentals of automated human gesture recognition using 3D integral imaging: a tutorial
Automated human gesture recognition is receiving significant research interest, with applications ranging from novel acquisition techniques to algorithms, data processing, and classification methodologies. This tutorial presents an overview of the fundamental components and basics of the current 3D optical image acquisition technologies for gesture recognition, including the most promising algorithms. Experimental results illustrate some examples of 3D integral imaging, which are compared to conventional 2D optical imaging. Examples of classifying human gestures under normal and degraded conditions, such as low illumination and the presence of partial occlusions, are provided. This tutorial…
Multitemporal Mosaicing for Sentinel-3/FLEX Derived Level-2 Product Composites
The increasing availability of remote sensing data raises important challenges in terms of operational data provision and spatial coverage for conducting global studies and analyses. In this regard, existing multitemporal mosaicing techniques are generally limited to producing spectral image composites without considering the particular features of higher-level biophysical and other derived products, such as those provided by the Sentinel-3 (S3) and Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) tandem missions. To relieve these limitations, this article proposes a novel multitemporal mosaicing algorithm specially designed for operational S3-derived products and also studies its applicability within the FLEX…
Desarrollo de productos avanzados para la misión SEOSAT/Ingenio
SEOSAT/Ingenio es la futura misión española de observación de la Tierra en el óptico en alta resolución espacial. Mientras que los productos de imagen a Nivel 1, radiancias geo-referenciadas a nivel de sensor, se encuentran en una fase avanzada de desarrollo existiendo para ello un contrato industrial, los productos de Nivel 2 deben ser desarrollados por los propios usuarios. Este hecho limita el uso de las imágenes a la comunidad científica, restringiendo sus posibles aplicaciones fuera de ésta. Así pues, bajo el marco de un proyecto coordinado y motivados por ofrecer productos de Ingenio/SEOSAT de Nivel 2 a disposición de cualquier usuario, se origina y desarrolla este trabajo. En este ar…