Laura Hokka
Uni raskaan myöhäisillan liikuntarasituksen jälkeen - onko kuntotasolla merkitystä?
Uni on tärkeää ihmisen terveydelle ja hyvinvoinnille. Uneen vaikuttaa mm. päivän aikaisen fyysisen rasituksen määrä. Fyysisen rasituksen vaikutukset yöuneen riippuvat rasituksen kestosta, intensiteetistä sekä ajankohdasta. Fyysisen kuormituksen lisään-tymisen ja syvän unen (SWS-unen) suhteellisen määrän kasvulla on todettu olevan yhte-ys. Kuntotason nousun ja syvän unen suhteellisen määrän lisääntymisellä on raportoitu olevan yhteyttä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää kuinka myöhään illalla suoritettu kova rasitus vaikuttaa unen rakenteeseen. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään myös onko kuntotasolla (VO2max) vaikutusta unen rakenteeseen normaaliyönä ja raskaan myöhäisillan rasituksen jä…
Heart rate variability in prediction of individual adaptation to endurance training in recreational endurance runners
The aim of this study was to investigate whether nocturnal heart rate variability (HRV) can be used to predict changes in endurance performance during 28 weeks of endurance training. The training was divided into 14 weeks of basic training (BTP) and 14 weeks of intensive training periods (ITP). Endurance performance characteristics, nocturnal HRV, and serum hormone concentrations were measured before and after both training periods in 28 recreational endurance runners. During the study peak treadmill running speed (Vpeak) improved by 7.5 � 4.5%. No changes were observed in HRV indices after BTP, but after ITP, these indices increased significantly (HFP: 1.9%, P 5 0.026; TP: 1.7%, P 5 0.007)…
Serum hormone concentrations and physical performance during concurrent strength and endurance training in recreational male and female endurance runners
To investigate the effects of concurrent strength and endurance training on physical performance and serum hormone levels a total of 32 recreational endurance runners were trained for 18 weeks. Subjects were divided into four training groups separated by the strength training mode and gender. The groups were women’s and men’s combined maximal and explosive strength training group (WME; n=9 and MME; n=9), and women’s and men’s muscle endurance strength training group (WE; n= 8 & ME; n=8). The training was executed in three consecutive periods (I; 10 weeks, II; 4 weeks and III; 4 weeks). The endurance training in all groups was low-intensity (below lactate threshold) running throughout the wh…
Heart rate-running speed index may be an efficient method of monitoring endurance training adaptation.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether a novel heart rate (HR)-running speed index could be used in monitoring adaptation to endurance training. Forty-five recreational runners underwent a 2-phased 28-week training regime. The first 14 weeks included basic endurance training, whereas the second 14 weeks were more intensive (increased volume and intensity). A maximal treadmill running test was performed in the beginning of the experiment, in the middle of basic endurance training, and at the end of each training period (PRE, WEEK 7, WEEK 14, and POST). The novel HR-running speed index was calculated from every continuous-type running exercise during the 28-week experiment based on …
Effects of vigorous late-night exercise on sleep quality and cardiac autonomic activity
Sleep is the most important period for recovery from daily load. Regular physical activity enhances overall sleep quality, but the effects of acute exercise on sleep are not well defined. In sleep hygiene recommendations, intensive exercising is not suggested within the last 3 h before bed time, but this recommendation has not been adequately tested experimentally. Therefore, the effects of vigorous late-night exercise on sleep were examined by measuring polysomnographic, actigraphic and subjective sleep quality, as well as cardiac autonomic activity. Eleven (seven men, four women) physically fit young adults (VO(2max) 54±8 mL·kg(-1)·min(-1) , age 26±3 years) were monitored in a sleep labor…