Anna Siippainen

Stabilise, balance and adjust : Framing the early years transitions of children whose parents work non‐standard hours

This study examined talk by parents about the early years transitions of their children (n = 7) in the context of parental non-standard working hours and Finnish early childhood education and care (ECEC) services. Parents were interviewed at three time points: when their child was aged one, four, five or six years (a total of 21 interviews). The third interview was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article focuses on the children's ECEC transitions and the interpretative frames used by parents when talking about their work and childcare. The frames used by the parents to discuss the children's transitions were stabilising the children's lives, balancing between staying at home an…

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The puzzles of daily life: The temporal orders of families when parents have non‐standard work schedules

This article investigates the temporal orders of families as the daily rhythms and schedules when one or both parents work non-standard hours. Our focus is especially on the often asynchronous times of non-standard work, on one hand, and of early childhood education and care (ECEC) services and other institutions, on the other hand. The data consist of semi-structured qualitative interviews of Finnish parents with a four-year-old child. The results show that the asynchronous times generated by non-standard working hours cause a wide range of collisions both in relation to childcare and ECEC and to the division of labour between parents. The parents are ‘wrestling’, not only because of the a…

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Varhaiskasvatuksen arvioinnin rakentuminen Suomessa

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Viisivuotiaiden maksuttoman varhaiskasvatuskokeilun arvioinnin toinen vaihe : varhaiskasvatukseen osallistuminen, kokeilun kustannukset ja järjestäminen

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"Jos tytöt oltais aikuisia ja pojat lapsia, niin ne ei vois meille mitään" : Foucault'lainen etnografia päiväkodin hallinnan käytännöistä

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Vanhempien vuorotyö, lasten hyvinvointi ja yhteistyö vanhempien kanssa varhaiskasvatuksessa

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“No periaatteessa minun tiedossani se aika lailla on”: Palveluohjauksen työntekijän tiedollinen asema varhaiskasvatuksen palveluohjauskeskusteluissa

Kunnilla on laissa säädetty velvollisuus antaa huoltajille tietoa erilaisista varhaiskasvatuksen vaihtoehdoista. Tätä tiedottamista kutsutaan palveluohjaukseksi. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan huoltajan ja kunnan palveluohjauksen työntekijän välisiä puhelinkeskusteluja. Palveluohjauskeskusteluja tutkitaan institutionaalisen vuorovaikutuksen näkökulmasta. Institutionaaliselle vuorovaikutukselle on ominaista osallistujien roolien muotoutuminen vuorovaikutuksen edetessä (esim. Drew & Heritage, 1992). Artikkelissa kiinnitämme huomion vuorovaikutukseen osallistujien tiedollisiin suhteisiin hyödyntämällä tietämisen alueen käsitettä (Heritage, 2012). Artikkelissa tutkitaan, miten palveluohja…

research product

Epistemic governance in local policy debates : The case of entitlement to early childhood education and care in Finland

In Finland, children below school age have enjoyed the right to attend subsidised full-time early childhood education and care (ECEC). However, the attendance rate in Finland is low in comparison to other Nordic countries. Furthermore, the entitlement was restricted to 20 h per week in 2016 unless the child’s parents work or study full-time or unless it is believed that the child will benefit from full-time ECEC. The debates concerning restrictions in ECEC entitlement in three municipal councils serve as the data for this study. By using the framework of epistemic governance, we identify three differing constructions of the ECEC’s societal functions in the municipal policy debates. The simi…

research product

Participatory research methods with young children : a systematic literature review

This systematic literature review aimed to ascertain what participatory methods for young children have been used in peer-reviewed empirical articles. A systematic literature search yielded 75 articles. Based on their methodology, the studies were divided into six categories: (1) multi-method and the Mosaic approach, (2) observation and ethnography, (3) language-based methods, (4) visual methods, (5) creative and playful methods, and (6) children as co-researchers. The participatory features of these methods were then analyzed. The articles foregrounded the importance of the reflective use of methods, ethically grounded research practices, and carefully considering young children’s particip…

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Kurahousukapina : lapset vuorohoidon arkea muokkaamassa

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Rationalizing early childhood education and care in the local context : a case study of Finnish municipalities

In this chapter, we focus on local early childhood education and care (ECEC) policy discourses by scrutinizing the rationalities given for ECEC in ten Finnish municipalities. The empirical data comprise qualitative interviews with local politicians and ECEC administrators (n = 78) and the analysis applies a discourse analytic framework. As a result, we highlight three interpretative frames – local, economy and function – through which the organization and provision of ECEC is discussed. We conclude our analysis by constructing three local rationalities – investing in education in a diverse environment; a personal service conditioned by working life; and the best possible quality of ECEC wit…

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“No periaatteessa minun tiedossani se aika lailla on”: Palveluohjauksen työntekijän tiedollinen asema varhaiskasvatuksen palveluohjauskeskusteluissa

Kunnilla on laissa säädetty velvollisuus antaa huoltajille tietoa erilaisista varhaiskasvatuksen vaihtoeh- doista. Tätä tiedottamista kutsutaan palveluohjaukseksi. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan huoltajan ja kunnan palveluohjauksen työntekijän välisiä puhelinkeskusteluja. Palveluohjauskeskusteluja tutkitaan institutionaalisen vuorovaikutuksen näkökulmasta. Institutionaaliselle vuorovaikutukselle on ominaista osallistujien roolien muotoutuminen vuorovaikutuksen edetessä (esim. Drew & Heritage, 1992). Ar- tikkelissa kiinnitämme huomion vuorovaikutukseen osallistujien tiedollisiin suhteisiin hyödyntämällä tietämisen alueen käsitettä (Heritage, 2012). Artikkelissa tutkitaan, miten palveluohja…

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