Guy Tiberghien
Psychologie cognitive
International audience; Les ouvrages de la collection Lexifac Psychologie exposent, sous forme de fiches, les thèmes majeurs figurant aux programmes des premiers cycles universitaires. Leur présentation claire et structurée vise un triple objectif : fournir une synthèse complète du cours, faisant ressortir les notions essentielles et leur articulation ; permettre une préparation efficace aux examens en donnant aux étudiants les moyens de rassembler leurs connaissances ; favoriser une consultation rapide sur un point précis. La psychologie cognitive est étudiée à travers deux tomes : le premier porte sur l'historique, les concepts fondamentaux et les thèmes essentiels (langage, mémoire, rais…
When the smile is a cue to familiarity
International audience; The question discussed in the two following experiments concerns the effect of facial expressions on face recognition. Famous and unknown faces with neutral or smiling expression were presented for different inspection durations (15 ms vs 1000 ms). Subjects had to categorize these faces as famous or unknown (Experiment 1), or estimate their degree of familiarity on a rating scale (Experiment 2). Results showed that the smile increased ratings of familiarity for unfamiliar faces (Experiments 1 and 2) and for famous faces (Experiment 2). These data are discussed in the framework of current face-recognition models and are interpreted in terms of social value of the smil…
Symmetry, averageness, and feature size in the facial attractiveness of women
International audience; Female facial attractiveness was investigated by comparing the ratings made by male judges with the metric characteristics of female faces. Three kinds of facial characteristics were considered: facial symmetry, averageness, and size of individual features. The results suggested that female face attractiveness is greater when the face is symmetrical, is close to the average, and has certain features (e.g., large eyes, prominent cheekbones, thick lips, thin eyebrows, and a small nose and chin). Nevertheless, the detrimental effect of asymmetry appears to result solely from the fact that an asymmetrical face is a face that deviates from the norm. In addition, a factor …
Comparison of RK and confidence judgement ROCs in recognition memory.
author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF; International audience; Several indicators have been used to differentiate familiarity and recollection processes. One dualist theory stipulates that it is possible to decide whether memories come from a feeling of knowing or from a conscious retrieval of the encoding and storage conditions (remembering). Another dualist theory is based on an indirect estimation of familiarity and recollection via the subjective confidence associated with recognition responses, and from an analysis of the derived receiver operating characteristics (ROC). In the present study, participants were presented with target words or faces that they subsequently had to r…