C. Saraniti
Frontal sinus osteoma and palpebral abscess: Case report
Osteomas of the paranasal sinuses are slow-growing, benign tumours most frequently found in the frontal sinus with an incidence that varies from 47% to 80% of the cases; there are often no symptoms and they are diagnosed by chance during an x-ray examination. The symptoms are usually headaches and those secondary to ocular or neurological complications. The therapy to be preferred is surgery. The authors describe a case of frontal osteoma complicated by frontal sinusitis and palpebral abscess.
Functional outcomes after supracricoid modified partial laryngectomy
ABSTRACT Open Partial Horizontal Laryngectomy (OPHL) OPHL is a standard surgical procedure consisting of a resection followed by reconnection of preserved structures: cricoid-hyoid-epiglottis (CHEP) in OPHL IIa, or cricoid-hyoid (CHP) in OPHL IIb. The main objective is the preservation of neoglottic functions, such as laryngeal functions in terms of voice quality, swallowing and breathing, restored after physiological rehabilitation. Moreover, no permanent tracheostomy is required after performing an OPHL. The crucial point in this surgical procedure is preserving at least one functional and mobile cricoarytenoid unit, including arytenoid cartilage, cricoid lamina, posterior and lateral cri…