Letizia Palumbo
Labour Exploitation and Trafficking in the Agricultural Sector Reflections on the (In)Efficacy of Anti-trafficking Interventions in Italy
The Borders of Legal Motherhood: Rethinking Access to Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Europe
Protection of trafficked people in Italy: policies, limits and challenges
Purpose– The purpose of the article is to analyse the Italian anti-trafficking system by examining its effectiveness in the protection of trafficked people.Design/methodology/approach– The article examines the protection of trafficked people in Italy, focusing in particular on the implementation of Article 18 of the “Consolidated Act of Measures Governing Immigration and Norms on the Condition of Foreign Citizens” (Legislative Decree n. 286/1998), which provides victims with protection and a residence permit independent of their cooperation with the competent authorities in criminal proceedings against offenders.Findings– The article demonstrates that, though the Italian legal framework on …
Multiculturalismo e misure in materia di religione per la minoranza Arabo-Palestinese in Israele
Exploiting for Care: Trafficking and Abuse in Domestic Work in Italy
ABSTRACTCare workers are now an essential part of reality for many Italian families. Yet, despite advancements in regulating domestic work, abuses are widespread. This article explores why exploitation in domestic work is rarely viewed as such and addressed with policies concerning trafficking and exploitation. I look at the way in which the care issue has been addressed by the Italian state and at the peculiar relationship between employers and domestic workers. Furthermore, I focus on the gaps in policies on trafficking and exploitation. I argue that the interplay of these factors results in the “normalization” of exploitation in domestic work.
The vulnerability to exploitation of women migrant workers in agriculture in the EU: The need for a human rights and gender based approach
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, explores the working conditions of migrant women in agriculture in the EU, focusing on some case studies in Italy and Spain. In particular, it aims to examine the factors that render women vulnerable to exploitation, paying attention to gendered dynamics and power relations. The study contends that to prevent and combat exploitation in agriculture it is necessary to implement concerted actions aimed at tackling, from a human rights and gender perspective, the structural factors of a socio-economic syste…
La Corte dei diritti dell'uomo un po' meno delle donne
Presentazione. Ius Migrandi: Concetti e Limiti
Lo ius migrandi – il diritto di migrare – è stato uno dei primi diritti fondamentali configurati dalla tradizione liberale classica. Affermatosi in via consuetudinaria, lo ius migrandi trova oggi un riconoscimento anche sul piano delle fonti scritte del diritto internazionale.
Il genere della sicurezza (Firenze, 23-24 aprile 2009)
Vulnerability to Forced Labour and Trafficking: The case of Romanian women in the agricultural sector in Sicily
This paper focuses on labour and sexual exploitation faced by Romanian female workers employed in the agricultural sector in Ragusa, Sicily, Italy. Drawing on fieldwork conducted in 2013 and 2014 with Romanian female farm workers in Ragusa, the paper identifies factors that contribute towards their vulnerability to exploitation. By paying specific attention to the experiences of women who are mothers with dependent children, we look at structural factors that increase their vulnerability and consider how this vulnerability ‘forces’ women into situations whereby they effectively accept and/or submit to abuse. We also highlight how European Union (EU) citizenship does not automatically protec…
Gender violence in Italy and Spain: Law and Politics
‘Which approach to Sex-Trafficking? Revisiting Feminist Debates on Sex-Trafficking in Europe
By paying attention to the complexities of the issue of sex trafficking in Europe, the paper critically analyzes the feminist debate on sex trafficking, articulated from the «abolitionist» and «sex workers’ rights» perspectives. The article examines the limits of the current feminist interpretations of sex trafficking developed around the «victimhood» versus «agency» dichotomy in relation to prostitution, and explores other possible spaces for a feminist critique of sex trafficking in Europe.
Tratta di esseri umani e sfruttamento lavorativo in agricoltura: Il caso dei «boschetari» nelle serre del Ragusano
Il saggio prende in esame la decisione del Giudice dell’Udienza Preliminare del Tribunale di Catania riguardante il caso dei "boschetti" nelle serre del ragusano, mettendo in luce la dimensione situazionale della situazione di vulnerabilità delle vittime di sfruttamento lavorativo
Trafficking in Women in Europe: Revisiting Feminist Perspectives on ‘Sex Trafficking’
Covid-19 and Inequalities. Protecting Human Rights of Migrants in a Time of Pandemic
By focusing on the Italian context, this article explores the human rights violations that migrants systematically experience and that the current health crisis is unveiling and, in turn, producing. In particular, we look at these dynamics by taking into account four issues/dimensions: the access to essential services and benefits, such as food vouchers; working and living conditions; conditions in reception and detention centres; and the denial of entry to reach ports of safety.
Ha ancora una rilevanza la Convenzione sull’eliminazione di ogni forma di discriminazione nei confronti delle donne? Per una sua (ri)considerazione nel tempo presente
Trafficking and labour exploitation in domestic work and the agricultural sector in Italy
In Italy, as in many European countries, agriculture and domestic work are sectors characterised by high levels of irregular work without contract and with no respect of minimum pay, humane living conditions or access to basic services. Generalised informality however sometimes leads to cases of sever exploitation and outright human trafficking. This report focuses on the conditions that can lead from irregular work to abuse and trafficking in agriculture and domestic work – we question the cultural and economic aspects that make such situations possible. We also review the relevant legislation punishing exploiters and protecting victims with a view of identifying existing gaps and make sug…