J. Iranzo
This paper describes the morphology and anatomy of a structure which appears in the floral racemes of Genista florida L. subsp. polygaliphylla (Brot.) Couthino. In this subspecies the floral racemes have a small number of flowers. This structure develops quite frequently in this taxon, which is found in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, but never in Genista florida subsp. florida. Its morphology is simple: bottle-shaped, wide at the base and elongated to a narrow peak at the upper extreme. Anatomical examination shows that these structures have a close similarity to flowers. Since they develop by the oviposition of one insect of the Cecidomyiidae family in the floral buds, they can be…
Leaf domatia in the section Alaternus (Miller) DC. of the genus Rhamnus (Rhamnaceae)
Anatomical and morphological study of leaves from three species of Rhamnus (R. alaternus, R. myrtifolius and R. ludovici-salvatoris) which comprise the section Alaternus (Miller) DC. from the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands, have revealed the presence of domatia, which are macroscopic infundibuliform structures. Although not all the leaves of one single plant showed domatia, all the individuals of each species examined presented these structures.
Recuperación y reintroducción de Marsilea quadrifolia en los arrozales del delta del Ebro (Tarragona, España).
ESTRELLES, E., IBARS, A. M., IRANZO, J. & MORALES, F. 2001. Recuperation and reintroduction of Marsilea quadrifolia in the rice fields of the Ebro's Delta (Tarragona, Spain). Bot. Complutensis 25: 251-259. Marsilea quadrifolia has got to be a extincted species in the Ebro's Delta. In this work the process of recovery of the species is described by sporocarps localization in the soil, germination of the same ones in the laboratory and cultivation in pots of the obtained sporelings, from which we proceeded to the reintroduction of Marsilea quadrifolia in old rice fields inside the land of the Natural Park, as well as the conservation measures ex situ applied on this species that tradition…